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God will never leave you

I have been doing a bible study the past few days on encouragement. The words God will never leave you nor forsake you come to heart when I think of my dear friend Celina in the Philipines. As she wakes every day and wonders why I am here. I miss home. I want her to remember these words," I will never leave you or forsake you" He promises you that. His desire for you Celina is for you to seek His purpose in your life, for you to depend fully on Him. In time when you feel lonely, out of place, imagine how out of place our Lord Jesus felt during his time of ministry.Why should it be any different for us? I am so proud of you all, and encouraged. Whatever happened to that quiet, PRIVATE family that did not like to open their doors whetherless their lives to others? I see the change God has done in all of you. The boys who never usually sang now play music and lead. I am in awe of God's work in your lives and I am sure this is just the beginning for you. I anxiously await a post or email from you all to hear what God has done that day for you and to hear about the adjustments you are going through.(I would love to see or hear from the boys as well!- Great to hear each person's perspective) It is an inspiration for me.
Each day as you wake ask yourself "God what good are you desiring to work in me and through me today?"
May my words be an encouragement to you!

I love you all-


  1. What a blessing to see the Lord work through friends!
    I am so glad you all got to see them before they went and that they got to meet Noah!
    I know that the Lord worked that out especially to encourage them and you!
    We will be praying for them as the yeild themselves to Gods call!

  2. Ahh!, Funny you talk about us being private in the past. I actually took a picture of all the people gathering in my kitchen yesterday. I couldn't help but laugh. One person will come over to visit, then someone else will be passing by the sidewalk and see us; and then they just walk in and all start visiting. I love it! I feel like I have a large family now.
    Thank you for your words of encourgement! I desperately need them. Actaully, the quote was "Gods timing."
    God Bless you; I love you too!

  3. Thank you Shelly, we do need all the prayers from our brothers and sisters in Christ.



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