As a photographer this has been a nightmare of a week. I have two external hard drives that I use to store all my photographs on because photographs take alot of room on your hard drive. To Save my hard drive I bought these external hard drives. My largest one stopped working, just would not turn on, but I was not too stressed about it because everything on it I had backed up at one point, and did not put alot on recently. The Little portable hard drive that we bought through A M Photography is where I try to put all my recent photos on there. MY life was on that drive, well needless to say it is gone. I am not sure what happened but someone broke the port from the inside that connects it to the Usb to my computer- it snapped. All my photographs are gone. Everything- I wanted to scream, cry and just through a fit but what would have been the point. It does not change the fact that all my photographs are gone! It breaks my heart !!! So needless to say I am so mad at myself for not putti...