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Showing posts from September, 2017

If you don’t know the background of this story- you should take the time to read it. Paraphrased the Pharisees again sought to catch Jesus. This time by bringing a woman who was committing adultery. In there culture that was punishable by stoning. They kept accusing her before Jesus, asking what should they do with her and to her. This is His response to their questions. HE who has no sin. That’s right those who are sinless, those who have never done anything wrong in their lives, they can throw the first stone. How does this relate to us? NO we do not stone people for adultery or even sin. But the principle remains - anyone WITHOUT any sin in their lives has the right to say things, and has the right to stand judgement. The truth be told NONE are clear, not one person can stand and past judgement or stones at anyone NO matter the sin. If you feel righteous, or you feel some kind of indignation stating it is coming from Christ. You are wrong. It is your pride. Christ laid his life on the Cross for sin and for sinners. He loved the unlovable. He did not turn his back on you or me, so tell me ,dear one, how can you righteously turn your back on someone you deemed has sinned. (Notice I said “ you deemed”) Let me give you warning Grace and forgiveness is something that has been given freely to us through Christ Jesus. BE very careful when you decided not to show grace and forgiveness to others. Remember these gifts are not ours to hold back! #dailyscriptureandthoughts #instablog

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The hardest part about our faith in Christ is actually living it out. Yes living like Christ, being Christ like is what we are to be like but many struggle with double mindedness, they struggle with having one foot in the world and one foot in the world of Christianity. Their lives do not reflect the righteousness, goodness or even the hope we find in Christ Jesus. Our lives should make people wonder, it should make people desire the goodness of Jesus. So be ready - by living for Him first! #dailyscriptureandthoughts

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