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Showing posts from February, 2012

Wonder what it is like.....

As I sit here and watch my sweet angel who turned 4 months yesterday... I often wonder what it is like to not be able to pick something up when you want to, to sit up without assistance or even to just talk.  I watch her struggle to learn to do these things and the whole time I just wonder what is going through her sweet little head. How frustrating it must be. I know she doesn't know any better but I see how she just is so determined. At the same time it hurts me, makes me so sad to think she is growing so fast. I keep thinking pretty soon she will be crawling, pretty soon she will be walking, talking-- makes me want to cry.  In past few weeks words have come to me, things to talk about, things to share but it seems like I just have not had the moments to put thoughts to the keyboard. We are moving... yes I know everyone is probably shocked, but its a short move. Even though my heart hurts a little to be leaving this little house, it is where the Lord granted me another child, and...