Featured couple for the Month of August over at a Wife's Heart ... This is the blog post I wrote... Enjoy Hello Dear Wives-- My name is Angie Sellers- I am married to my beloved Samuel. We have been married for 20 years.( wow when I see that number I am amazed it has been that long and that we have made it.) When I saw the post on a Wife's heart about the featured couples, and saw the questions she asked I thought," yes that is definitely Sam and I" I met Samuel through a mutual friend in a time of my life that I was uncertain about everything. Samuel was in the Navy and I had gotten out of the Navy. At first we were just friends, there were no emotions(at least for me) He was such a breathe of fresh air. He was unlike any man I had ever met, he made me laugh, he made me feel good about myself and helped me to see how good life could be. Even though I was unsure of my emotions and was not sure if I could trust how I felt because of the pain I had experienced but I kn...