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Showing posts from May, 2013

Believing God week 5

Last evening I sat down to finally do our week video sessions with Beth Moore. As I sat there and listened to Beth teach on faith, and listening to the Lord. She shared a story of when the Lord spoke so clearly through a teacher about what He wanted to do through her, and her reaction to his words. She did not want to do it. She said the words "never" and "no". She threw a fit all because she was afraid to fail God.  This hit  home for me. One thing I do that you may not know, is I am very defensive. My husband  is always so tender, kind and very compassionate when he comes to share with me. No matter how tender, I still defend myself. Beth illustrated how the devil sits and watches for our fears. He waits for us to expose our fears through our actions (because he is not all knowing) Once he knows what those fears are he will use any means possible to make us believe what those fear are. What are my fears? Why do I react defensively? Like Beth I am afraid to fail, b...


It has amazed me the processes  for one to become an Elder. Sunday Samuel along with another brother who is now a Deacon stood before the church body and recited commitments. Just all the formalities for one to serve, I wonder how much of it is all necessary.(food for thought) Through this process I have come to realize the church has needed to set up safe guards for the body. Because as you know there are wolves in sheeps clothing waiting to devour the body( the church). There are true haters out there.But One you would want to appoint to Eldership or Deacon, wouldn't it be someone you know, you have spent time with them, their families and truly know that they are qualified for the position? If they be ones that have revealed their hearts in so many ways? I am so grateful, excited, and if I may say proud to see my beloved finally coming forward and living out the calling upon his life to be lead, and lead people for the Lord and towards HIS CROSS.  David speaking and praying...

Why your family needs the Local Church...

Here is short clip from Voddie Baucham speaking briefly on this subject. Why we need the church. I heard a session at the homeschooling conference about this subject and truly I wish I would have heard this 10 years ago. It would have saved us from wondering. A balanced Christian must be involved in the local body for 1. God- Centered Gospel 2. Grace- centered Gospel 3. Cross-centered Gospel 4. Biblical Oridinances 5.Biblical Discipline 6. Cooperation 7. Accountability 8. Submission to authority Such a profound view - He stated at one point a body is a family and when families have problems you dont just pack your bags and leave, you work through those problems. Lord forgive me for thinking that certain things had to be in line for us to be part of your body. Lord forgive my beloved. Love In Christ Angie

Christian Association of Pennsylvania Home school Conference

This past weekend we(Sam and I) went to the home school conference in this area. Last year I will say it was a different atmosphere, and a different spirit. Last year I remember walking in and thinking wow- where is everyone?- Compared to the Texas Home school Coalition conference, this conference looked empty and small. I walked around feeling lonely, unsure of what to expect. I noticed a lot of the sessions were very basic, not inspirational or spiritually based at all. I truly did get what I expected. I walked out last year saying" I will never going back" but back I went to this years conference with different hope and expectations.(hey maybe that was the key) I went with different hopes and expectations because the sessions seemed right up my alley with speakers like Voddie Bauchman(whom we knew well since we went to his church in Houston) and Crystal Paine. Each having a wealth of knowledge to share with all of us. Here are some highlights of my homeschooling confer...

It is official

After a long process of waiting, praying, filling out applications my Beloved is finally an elder. The meeting began with church business, it seemed to take forever.     This is not all our members but truly the core of our church.   Sam after hearing the results.. it was not unanimous( one person actually voted NO) without coming to him or discussing anything. But the majority rules...of course as his wife that one was like a stab to my heart.( I thought how could someone do that to him?- they obviously do not know him)   But the Lord obviously has a plan in spite of that person's heart.   SO moving forward we go to minister as one(Him and I) in this local body. May our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified. Love In Christ Angie
Curious on what your answers would be!!! 1. What is your occupation? most important job in the world- A wife and mom 2. What color are your socks? grey-still in my pajama socks 3. What are you listening to right now? no music-listening to Maria talking to her baby brother 4. What was the last thing that you ate? 1/2 a poptart 5. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes 6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blue-I guess 7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? um-my husband yesterday 8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes - very much-she is my favorite sister in law :-) 9. How old are you today? 36 10. Favorite drink? sweet tea 11. What is your favorite sport to watch? SOCCER 12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Never-really! 13. Pets? a rat-Jabbers, a ferret-Rose, a puppy-Beula, and a cat-Gabriel 14. Favorite food? Seafood 15. What was the last movie you watched? Poisedon 16. Favorite day of the year? My anniversary- It amazes me every year that we celebrate, that ou...

Believing God Week 3

Beth's study believing has turned out to be wonderful. I look forward to spending time in the Word and looking up the Greek and Hebrew words for things. Understanding more of the Word. In week two she gave some pretty insightful insight from a book she read by Clayton and Jansma on Creation...     Being in the right kind of galaxy    1in 100     Being in right place in the galaxy   1 in 150     Having the right kind of star           1 in 1,000     Being the right distance from the star  1 in 10     Having the proper planetary mass        1 in 10     Having the proper planetary spin         1 in 10     Having the proper planetary tilt           1 in 10     Having...