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Showing posts from January, 2015

new life

My life, and time goes way too fast. This week we had an addition to our family. New life, a sweet  new boy- how precious is life. Too often young people look at life as if they have all the time of the world. Never worrying about relationships, never worrying about tomorrow though life never promises tomorrow,so much hope comes from new life. New beginnings, a new chance to do things the right way according to the Word of God. Many times we humans never see it that way. We look at it as just another baby is born and not the second chance, or new beginning God intended it to be. My Dear Little One- I have so much hope for you. I hope you will have what your mother did not. I hope you will show her love, strength, and order that only Christ can give. May you lead her to Christ like no one else could. May you restore what has been lost  what  has been lost along the way. Titi Abuela loves you and I can't wait to meet you. Angie

goodbye 2014 and hello 2015

2014 brought so many things, joys as well as sorrows. We started the year very busy preparing for My girl- Maria to be married on February first and help her start her new life. The year seemed to continue in a whirlwind of events and memories. Though the year brought so much, it ended with the largest trial of our life. We rejoice in seeing the Lord as He comforted us, guided us and strengthened us through the trial. We were able to leave 2014 rejoicing and celebrating and ready to face 2015. I look at 2015 wondering what the year will be filled with, and how the Lord will move. My prayer is that as we endured 2014, He will give us strength, wisdom, and peace for 2015. I pray you will stick with me as I try to be more faithful at blogging, and sharing,as we walk this journey of life. Blessing and peace