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Showing posts from May, 2015


At times my heart is filled with so much sorrow over my two sons who have decided that their family, their parents are not necessary in life. To be completely cutout of ones life after you cared for them for 20 something years leaves a hole in your heart. It's so hard to understand the reasons why.  Why would someone honestly believe their parents don't love them?  Is it because they don't behave, react or do what they want to do?  It's so funny how that works for children. Often we hear, children aren't robots, they don't do what you want them to do. Well guess what  neither are parents.   We do not all fit in this "mold" of parents.   Just as parents expect a behavior from children ,I think children expect a behavior as well. My son has sinned against my Lord, and has dishonored and disrespected his family, and truly believes that he should not have consequences nor does he believe he has to do anything to mend the damage that was done but say "...

It's a ....

    Our little thing 3- first grandchild will arrive sometime in September or October is a little boy. We are so delighted. Just as delighted as his parents :)  This Lita- which is short for abuelita, which as you figured is grandma in Spanish- is so excited!  Life has been a roller coaster with a big move pending, attending Liberty Univerisity, schooling Duck and women's ministry at church. Yes I would say life is full.  Angie ( now known as Lita)