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Showing posts from August, 2015

First day of school

Our first day of school went fantastic. Noah was ready and Ellie was enthusiastiac in starting kindergarten. It is amazing to me that Duckie is not in 3rd grade. He never ceases to amaze me. I have implicated our devotions and memory verse reciting in our schedule in hopes we remain faithful to the Word since it is the reason we homeschool. Our Angel face is eager and will be a wonderful student! She is so excited to be learning and knows how to recite the alphabet but she doesn't know them by sight. So we will be working on that before we move forward to writing the letters. In the meantime we are also learning shapes and and colors. I was so proud of her when she recognized the oval shape! What 3 year old do you know can recognize an oval without any schooling? Lord,give me strength to be diligent in my tasks and help me to bring the love of learning to my children's hearts. Angie

4th of July

Our first annual family cookout. We had steamed blue crabs which was such a treat for me because I love them but I don't love eating 4 dozen of them almost alone. ( Lesson learned- only get 2 dozen next year! ) Sam ( who was not 100%) made sausage on the grill to go with the pasta salad M&M brought. One thing we started years ago with my sister Melissa was wearing patriotic clothing for the 4th. Everyone came sporting their Americana clothes.             

At that age...

This week I have come to realization that we are at that age of losses. See when you are young you don't think about death. You don't think about time or how much time you have or don't have. Some where along the line in age that changes and shifts. All of sudden you realize how limited your time is. How much you are NOT promised tomorrow, and how fragile life truly is. This verse from James rings through my head, " Life is just a vapor that appeareth for a little time and vanisheth away."  How true that verse. How quickly a life comes and goes. In this life ones who have left this world get so easily forgotten and people move on as if that person never existed. Yes in some there is a whole, something always missing, a pang of pain that is sharp when something "reminds" them of that person, but for the most part with the busyness of life, social media, entertainment etc, we fill our time and hearts so we just don't think about it. So then that life i...

The end of a Season

So it is official some major changes have occurred in our home in the last two weeks. I stepped down from Women's Ministry at our church. It was one of the hardest decision I had to make but was necessary. There are too many things that seem to hindering the ministry. (hurtful things) What is sad to me is the lack of reaction to my stepping down. It seems like no one cared and it did not affect anyone at all. Most surprising that the leadership/elders, not one responded with any words, wetherless words of encouragement so it tells me I guess my decision was the right one. Now I just await the time the Lord moves us from this place. I feel like I have wasted a year a half of ministering here. I know that the Word does not return void but you just wonder if anyone really really cares. SAD....