Our first day of school went fantastic. Noah was ready and Ellie was enthusiastiac in starting kindergarten. It is amazing to me that Duckie is not in 3rd grade. He never ceases to amaze me. I have implicated our devotions and memory verse reciting in our schedule in hopes we remain faithful to the Word since it is the reason we homeschool. Our Angel face is eager and will be a wonderful student! She is so excited to be learning and knows how to recite the alphabet but she doesn't know them by sight. So we will be working on that before we move forward to writing the letters. In the meantime we are also learning shapes and and colors. I was so proud of her when she recognized the oval shape! What 3 year old do you know can recognize an oval without any schooling? Lord,give me strength to be diligent in my tasks and help me to bring the love of learning to my children's hearts. Angie