Dear Friends, I have not forgotten about you. Life is in full overdrive. I hope to be back to submitting devotionals next week. In the meantime we are preparing to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior before that day we must soberly approach the day that is called "good Friday." It is the day we acknowledge as the day that the Lord Jesus was crucified for our sins. Dear ones- there is one who suffered so greatly for you. One who died so that you could be free of sin. The great intercessor, and Savior Jesus Christ. So many forsake Him, turn from His call in their lives. Let us take the time to truly reflect on what happened on that day. Let us approach Friday with mourning, and thanksgiving at the same time. For on Sunday, we celebrate the greatest gift given to us- and that is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus! He did this for you and me Brother and Sisters! - Thank you for journey with me- Angie #dailyscriptureandthoughts
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