( see full post ) What does this mean? Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom? Freedom from what? Let's make something very clear. This scripture could easily be twisted into freedom to live and do whatever you want. The truth is without Jesus you are free to live and do whatever you want but in Jesus or correction Jesus within you - you are not free to live and do whatever you want. You are to obey the Words of God. Putting your body, your life and your "freedom" under the subjection and direction of the Lord Jesus. So what does this scripture mean? We have been given freedom from the oppression of the law, the Mosiac law required man to do a lot of things to cleanse themselves from sin. Jesus has set us free from that. He also has set us free from sin. See we are not slaves to our sin, Jesus gives us a way to walk away from sin and live in the freedom of His Grace and Mercy. This is the true freedom of life! Dear Ones- I pray that you have that freedom that ...