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Showing posts from February, 2007

What to do

Last night Sam received a phone call from a gentlemen asking Sam to come work for him. The problem is he is not paying him what he made. (that is problem number one) Second problem is he loves what he is doing now. He really enjoys working with the older boys every day and most of all he enjoys working for himself. I know what you are thinking- then what is the problem. I know in Sam's mind he will sacrifice what he wants to do, to do what is best for the family. Providing for his family is more important to him then doing what he wants to do. So I ask all of you to pray for him, as he is faced to make a decision. May he do the Lord's will! Thanks...

Another Monday

Ok- it is monday and the weekend seemed to fly by. Saturday we had the church Sweetheart banquet and that was interesting all in itself. Well it started out great Sam and I had some privacy and actually got to talk for the first time in a while. We talked about everything and nothing on the way to dinner. We get there and my sister and Clay were waiting and she looked stunning. We went in-I carried Noah. Sam parked the car and came in realizing he had forgotten the baby's diaperbag so that started the evening. Melissa and I went to walmart to get everything we needed for baby to make it through the night. It was a blessing because she bought, a diaper bag, blanket, outfit, bottles, formula, food,and new feeder. She said it reminder her of the "many times" she forgot the diaper bag for the girls. By the time we got back, we missed the reception, and salad stage of dinner. The lettuce was wilted and tasted so but I ate as much as I could stand. Missy did not eat at all. We ...
It amazes me when I look into his eyes how fast he is growing and how truly blessed I feel to have him in my life. He is a gift that only God can give. One I thank him for every morning, with every coo and with every cry. I see the unconditional love he has for me when he sees me. He does not see my faults, or the grey hair. He sees the one who comes when he cries, the one who feeds him and the one who kisses him = mom. What a way to love someone. Do you think that is how God sees us? Without our faults? Or does He see our faults as we see the faults in our own children but we just love them anyway? All I know is I see the greatness of God through the eyes of my children. Through their love I know how awesome My God truly is.

Is Anyone out there???

Is anyone out there listening or reading my babbling? Does anyone care? Those are the feelings I have been battling with for past few days. I know I never have anything Profound to say on here, but it is a place where I share a piece of myself, and my life with you. Not every event is worth writing about, but there is so many people in my life that I care for so dearly and can not seem to keep in touch with. I thought this was a great way to do it. But I feel so alone! Is there anyone out there?


Well it is monday- but a very quiet Monday. I do not have my neices this morning which makes it quiet around here since the Three older boys are with dad working on a house so it is just me, Maria,Joey and Baby Noah. It is strange how quiet it is around here. It reminds me of the public school days when most of the kids went to school and I was here with just the younger two. The Lord has already started to work, Sam is working on a house, doing trim work, and other things that need to be finished for our rent!(which will be due next week) Thursday he starts framing a house that will help us survive for the next month! We just need to pray for the next job to come and that the boys will continue with the energy they have now realizing that they are all benefitting the family! May God get the Glory!

well it is official

For weeks we had been hearing rumors among the employees at Sam's work that he was going to be fired. Why you ask? Well there was no real good reason given except that the company financially was slowly going down hill and Sam was the highest paid employee except for a few other people.(our guess) The rumors became fact yesyerday at 7:30 am, when they let him go. Between the frustration of the hours, the ill treatment, and the compromising of his principles the news came more as a relief to him then a burden. What are we going to do now you ask? We are not sure. Sam is currently in a mindset that he has killed himself for other companies to no avail so for a change he would like to kill himself to benefit his own family. What does that mean? Well he is considering just subcontracting work himself and working for himself. doing frame work or pouring concrete with himself and his sons, calling themselves"Sellers and Sons". It is almost scary but it puts us in a position of...
Happy Valentine's day. My day started out so wonderful. The baby got up around 8:30 full of smiles. I changed him and we played "so big" in which he laughed out loud.It was so cute. The kids one by one started to awake, getting ready for the day. That is when it all went down hill, the bickering started. Back and forth amongst each other about everything and nothing. I just could not take it. I kept thinking why today. Why today of all days. Can't you be nice to each other!!Anyway- it just kept getting worse. Paul was disrespectful. I had to sit Joey in a chair because of his mouth. I tried to take a relaxing bath which did not last long because of argueing. But you know what my beloved came through he actually came home at a decent time and the first thing he said to me was, you have 20 minutes to get ready because we are leaving to go out to dinner. He took me to this Brazilian Restaraunt, so nice you had to have reservations. It was really neat. The way they serve ...

She called...

My girlfriend, best friend-Celina- from the Philipinnes called yesterday morning. That is how my morning started and what a great start to my week. It truly was the highlight of my day to be able to hear her voice and feel connected to her. To know how she is and how she is fairing in the Mission World. My prayers have been with her and I know that the Lord is doing what he has promised, but my flesh worried. (forgive me) Thank you Celina for making a Monday a Tuesday! Prayers are needed for them! Please Pray for the Henderson Family!

A well needed rest

Yesterday was my day off. What do I mean by that, well yesterday I did not have my neices.(my day off) We schooled a bit and then hopped in the van and drove to my friends house, The Bakers.We spent the day hanging out, talking, watching a movie, eating pizza and just plain relaxing. It was so nice. Such a change in the daily grind. We really went there because we were suppose to go to bible study together, but bible study ended up being cancelled to Sam and I's benefit since we started 3 weeks behind everyone(because of the weather) we could use the extra time to read and catch up. About the bible study: have you heard of the Christian book called Love and Respect? For all of you Christians out there who are married you should really read this book. Even if you are not married and intended to marry some day, I truly believe this book can be very insightful to man's heart and for a man to a woman's heart. It is amazing after 14 years of marriage the things I am still learn...

I hate Mondays

Did I ever tell you how much I hate Monday's ? It is the Beginning of the week, the weekend is over, and the routine must start all over again. You have to think about all the things you did not get done and try to get them done. You have to get up early.(ugh) It is MONDAY- I wish you could skip right past Monday and go to Tuesday. (but then Tuesday would be Monday huh?) Well- The weekend went well, even though there was so much to be done I did not do any of it. ( haha ) Late Saturday afternoon we got a phone call that my friend Shelly was in the hospital. She has an Appendicitis. (ugh) Praise the Lord she came through the surgery fine. We went and sat with her husband Gene. She is now home and hopefully on the road to recovery. We did not have church Sunday - which makes me very sad. It snowed 4-5 inches there and we did not get any. Isn't that funny?
Video of Little Noah on Feb. 2nd, he is trying to talk. He is such a doll baby!

under attack

Lately spiritually I have felt like I have been under attack. Things around the house has not been peaceful. The homeschooling has been difficult for some. Sam 's job is an uncertainity right now. I am so confused on what to do. We need a new vehicle. My van sits 7 and we now have 8 of us not including when I have my neices, then it is 10. We also need to move from here. My desire is to be closer to our church. In all of this I feel overwhelmed and so unsure of the future. Please pray for me!