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10 months old

It is amazing to me that he is 10 months. It seems like yesterday that I yearned for this little one and so soon He will be One. Where did the time go? Is there any way I can slow down the clock or even stop it so he does not grow too fast or at all?

His accomplishments are amazing to us. He says Amen, mama, Dada, Uh oh, nigh nigh, and he signs in sign language-milk. He walks around using all the future to hold him up. Too soon he will be running around this house. I just want him to slow down! ;-)

He is truly a gift from heaven, one that I can not thank the Lord enough for. (they all are) But to all of us he is so very special, and precious. (not just me) I do wish you could see the children with him. They all truly love him. Sammy is anxious for him to get older so he can show him how to play soccer. Though I do think this one already knows!! Joey is anxious to have a little playmate. Paul can not wait for him to be able to hang out with him. Alex just loves holding him and Sissy is the best big sister, and second mother.

Here is his 10 month photo:
Isn't He just the cutest.


  1. UOh he is super cute!
    Love the background

  2. Angie,
    I finally found your email with your new blog name, I've had a crazy schedule since my return. Thank you for your help, may the Lord truly bless you for that!


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