As we prepare to move, I feel like our life is at a stand still. Not moving till after the new year, post poning everything. It is not easy to do. Other times- we would have packed and taken off- to start over, in the new place. The feeling of hurry up and wait. I wonder what this year will be like, will we have the struggles we have had for the past 6 years, or will we see change. Will the Lord bless us with the ability to bless others?
Will we ever have our own house?
A decent car that actually fits all of us?
Will we ever see a time in our lives that things just do not seem so hard?
Do we deserve it.. That is the question. I do not feel like I live my life as I should. I am not as faithful to the Lord as I should be. the time I should spend with Him, and in the Word, seems so fleeting. Lord- the only thing I want in this new year- is to be closer to you. To know your Word!
Thank you Lord for providing-for loving us, to send your Son, though I do not deserve it, thank you most of all for your grace!
Will we ever have our own house?
A decent car that actually fits all of us?
Will we ever see a time in our lives that things just do not seem so hard?
Do we deserve it.. That is the question. I do not feel like I live my life as I should. I am not as faithful to the Lord as I should be. the time I should spend with Him, and in the Word, seems so fleeting. Lord- the only thing I want in this new year- is to be closer to you. To know your Word!
Thank you Lord for providing-for loving us, to send your Son, though I do not deserve it, thank you most of all for your grace!
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