Week Three- wow- three weeks have gone by since our arrival here in Texas- time does keep going reguardless of your like or dislike of being some place. Sometimes I do wish I could freeze time for a while so I can linger in my feels, thoughts and life. This week we schooled as usual, we had some late days do to the fact that if you do anything here, it is almost an all day task. Something I was so willing to forget about Texas. Everything is far, at least a 30 minute drive to anything you want to do. Walmart ,Library,anything... We found a very small, but wonderful homeschooling, support group to be involved with. It is lead by this wonderful Lady, named Bambi. She is the one who invited me to the women's bible Study. (which I love and look forward to each week!) It is just a group that gathers together for field trips, and gym days. Which is perfect for me. I do not want and over involved group!! As I go through my bible study- this week we are working on Psalm 123(if you want to...