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Showing posts from April, 2008

My Sister is here

Well I have not posted in over a week because I have been so busy. Last week Noah was so sick. He had strep throat, vomitting and diaheria. He was needed, wanting to be held the whole day. It made if very hard to get anything to done. Of course he is all better now.. praise the Lord. My sister arrived early Sunday morning while all of you were sleeping, like 3am. She drove from Nixa, MO to stay a few days with us while her husband is gone at a school through the Army. So far the visit has been wonderful. We are enjoying each other's company. Maria and Honor missed each other so terribly. They have been inseperable since she has arrived. I feel for Maria, I know she loves the female relationship, and the fact the two of them are truly two peas in a pod. They are best friends as well as cousins. Well we are off to the zoo today with 10 children- and two adults! I am watching a friend of mine's two children. (which anyone who knows me knows I DO NOT BABYSIT) So pray for us.. will...

Look who is 17 Months

17 Months... WOW- how time has flown by. I can not honestly imagine what life, or the house would be like without this little man in our home. He is so funny and such a character. He is truly is a Godsend! Thank you Lord for blessing us with your heritage.

Discerning the voice of God

I have come to the realization as I am going through this bible study that it has been a long time since I have heard the voice of the Lord.  Some where along my walk, Him and I have stopped talking. I wonder where that happened, and how? I know it is me! I know He is waiting to hear from me, but I am sitting here wondering when I stopped praying, reading, and feeling the presence of God. Trying to think back through time, to pinpoint the main reason, event or occurance- that caused me to stop talking to the Lord.   Was it hope that was lost, pain, or just busyness of life- I am not sure. Now that I have had this realization- I am unsure how to return to Him, to his presence. How do I get back to the place where I use to be? Where do I start to open my spirit up to the Lord? I am lost- and I am sure how to be found again! ME

Teenagers almost men

  Here are my boys- It is unbelievable to me that each of them are growing to be men. P- will be 18 this year, Alex-17, Sam-15, Joey-12, and the little man will be two.  As you can see they have each changed their hair... Sammy's we dyed blonde, and Alex's we dyed blondish-orange, Joey is the same as Alex, but P actually just used sunin in his hair to make it red.  I know there are some who are going to say- ugh why did you let them do that. It is just hair.. and I think it looks cute.  My mindset is.. at least it is not green, purple, or the Gothic black! I pray all is well with you! Me

what happens when a teenager drives

Ok I have heard from a few of you wondering where I have been. The title of the post should tell you everything. P (my eldest) has gotten into his first accident. It has been a learning experience for all of us. This happened right before I left to go to see my mom for the weekend(last weekend in March), so I had to spend the thursday before I left trying to find a piece for that driver side lights. Because he cracked the assembly that actually holds the lights on to the car, as well as bent the bumper, and the grill. This consumed me before I left, and then the week I got I changed my computer from Vista to XP- little did I know what I was doing, and the computer problems I was walking into when I did that. (so that is why I did not post the first week of April) Now my computer is back, all is fixed, and life is trying to go back to normal- whatever that is. I have spent time fighting depression, missing my sisters, and my mother dearly. Feeling like we did not get enough time togethe...