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Showing posts from June, 2008

My tiny Flower garden

Here is a picture of my Tiny flower garden I planted- not bad for an amatuer-huh?

I had to share this ..

Here is Beaulah our mutt dog attacking this little yellow car for NO reason and in the background you have Noah screaming Stop at the top of his lungs.  I had to share because I could not stop laughing at the two of them. 

True Repentance(Sunday Service)

True Repentance By Samuel Sellers Have you ever taken the time to list the commands of Christ from scripture? Well this week in our Sunday service we have started learning those commands- actually we only got to the very first one- One of the most important ones, maybe that is why it is first, Matthew 4:17- gives us that first command- to REPENT-  What is true repentance? if there is true repentance then obviously there is false repentance. Can you find examples from scripture of each? Example of false repentance: Genesis 25:33-34 True Repentance: Psalm 51- read David's heart here- read how he admits that his sins were against God. He knew what he had done, and humbled himself to admit his heart.  Do you have this heart? A heart that admits their sin openly, who then seeks God in His Word. Repentance will only come through His Word, knowing His Word, and living His Word. We need His word to cleanse us.  Hebrews 10: 16  This is the covenant that I will make with them After those day...

Monday(Cover to Cover)

As I began this cover to cover- I wonder what it was the Lord would have me see- I started Wednesday the 18th- What a powerful reminder to me that the Lord is my guidance- my strength, my refugee, He reigns over all things! Also a reminder of how in the old testament- the Lord commanded Nations to be destroyed- what a humbling thought! I often prayed while I was reading Lord- help me to see what it is you want me to see from your word, especially when I reading the old testament.    I look forward to this week...  God Bless

Noah and Maria reading

Noah loves Signing Time. I just recently purchased the board books of Signing Time. He makes you read, and reread each one! He is so sweet!

My Maria- my sweet Princess

Please dear Siestas,Friends and Family Lift my Maria- up in prayer. She has not come down with the same thing that Noah had. Praise the Lord- I took her in early so she does not have the sores in her mouth yet. But she is sick and does not have allot of energy. The doctor is hoping the medication will prevent the sores from coming. (we are praying that is true)  Thank you for praying for our Noah- he is so much better and acting like his little self. Running around the house, playing and most of all EATING! Praise you Jesus for your healing touch!!! Now pray for him to rest well. He did not sleep well, he woke up crying allot, and had me up 3 times last night. Mama needs her sleep. 

Please pray

Dear family, friends and fellow Siestas I am asking you to please lift my dear little one up in prayer. He has been very sick since last Friday. He has a virus- that is a type of Herpes- that causes sores in your mouth and on your tonsils. How he caught  it, we do not know. The doctor said you can get it from the grocery carts in the grocery stores, or someone he came in contact with had it. It is extremely contagious and is causing him lots of pain. He can not eat, drink or sleep. So needless to say that puts me in the place of not sleeping much either.  Thank you so much dear ones for loving me, and lifting my sweet wee one to the throne!

God Stop Moment

This week has been a week of watching and waiting- for those of you who know me, know that I pray for the Lord to bless me with another baby. Well needless to say - I am still watching and waiting. Anticipating the answer- whether- my body is giving me signs on whether I am or not.  It is a reminder- that God is in control of all things- and ochestrates things at HIS perfect time.  Amen?

I am Lesson 5

1. Have you ever found yourself in faith yet bewildered or demoralized? yes of course, because I can not understand the ways of the Lord and when I try to that is when I am left bewildered. 2. Do you consider yourself content? Sometimes- not all the time- would you describe it as decidely content or dreamily content? Decidely content- I am living in a house I do not want to be in and in a state I do not want to be in. But I can not spend my days thinking about that- I have to think of the positive, Sam has a job and we have a home... 3. If you are not content, are there circumstances that kep you from this feeling?? When I allow the thoughts to envade my mind- I can easily get discontent- but I try very hard to rebuke them. 4. Have you ever found yourself in a place where you looked back on a period of your Christian walk and believed a great opportunity passed you by? "opportunity" hmm not sure of that one- but I do know there have been times in my Christian walk where I a...

Our First Sunday Service

We had our first sunday service as a home church yesterday. Samuel taught on Psalm 19:7-14 Reminding us on how perfect the word of God is. That as we follow, and obey Him, he will bring joy, peace, and wisdom into our lives. As Sam was speaking- I looked up- and gasp at the site I saw out the window- which of course scared everyone in the room- outside-grazing were 4 beautiful Young Bucks- (4 point atlers) eating and slowly strolling through the yard. It was as if the Lord was tell me- I am here- and bringing a peace around our home enough to bring the animals around. IT was truly amazing! He finished with a challenge for all us- and I thought I would pass it on to you- Psalm 94:16-17 Love  me-

My heart

Hello my siestas and familia My heart aches with conviction and the knowledge of knowing  change must occur.  The homeschooling conference was challenging mentally, and spiritually. It was a great reminder of the "true" reason I homeschool. Yes it is to keep my children from being influenced by ungodly, worldly things as warriors who are not equip to fight, but the Largest reason, was to set a foundation so solid in their lives, that anything else would be just sand to them.  I forgot that, along the way, I lost that. How I have, NO IDEA- but the fact is I know I lost it. It makes me stop and re-examine my priorities and the priorities I have allowed my children to set in their lives. Knowing that these priorities in NO way bring Glory to the kingdom of heaven, and it all it does is bring glory to ourselves, and our flesh- are we not required to change? If not would that not be sin?  Part of the changes is letting go of Soccer- it grieves me deeply to think we will not be on ...

Good Friday Morning Siestas and Familia

I know I have not posted anything all week. I have to say that I have been a busy, busy person.  The week seemed to just fly by. I had a garden that needed my attention almost every day, then a house that just does not clean it self.  My friend Celina arrived yesterday from McAllen. She will be with me for a week. I am so blessed to have her in my home.  Today we are going to the Home schooling conference. Please pray for us! Pray for me that I will be blessed, encouraged and recharged! I will work on my next lesson of the "I am" study! I am a bit behind! Thank you for your prayers Me

Hello Siestas and Familia

So tell me what did you all do all weekend? I was as busy as a bee. We spent alot of time- cleaning the house and getting things working right. Sam, his dad, and his brother all spent Saturday afternoon giving the AC System a good well over due cleaning, while Maria and I made Homemade Strawberry Jam!! So we were productive- we also did our flower bed, planted more seedlings, and weeded some of the yard.  what did you do?

I am -Lesson 4

1. What is your latest NLIP?(Not like I planned) I would say moving to Texas. Coming here was not in my plans at ALL. I did not want to move here. I knew what it was like here from visiting Sam's family. The last thing I wanted to do was live in an over crowded city that is hot!  2. How did you react to your NLIP?  The first day I was here, my husband went to work and left me to deal with unloading the moving truck with the children. I woke up at 6am, which never happens, and all I could do was sit there and cry. There was NO SUPPORT here, I was left to do it myself! Are you still upset about it? It still hurts alittle. That in the years that we have moved, and changed, my beloved has never taken in consideration the affects is has on me. This one was the hardest move, and he did not consider that, nor make provisions to be there to help. It hurts because it views me as this strong, independent, can handle anything person, and that is NOT always true. 3.  Have you ever attempted to...