True Repentance
By Samuel Sellers
Have you ever taken the time to list the commands of Christ from scripture?
Well this week in our Sunday service we have started learning those commands- actually we only got to the very first one- One of the most important ones, maybe that is why it is first, Matthew 4:17- gives us that first command- to REPENT-
What is true repentance?
if there is true repentance then obviously there is false repentance.
Can you find examples from scripture of each?
Example of false repentance: Genesis 25:33-34
True Repentance: Psalm 51- read David's heart here- read how he admits that his sins were against God. He knew what he had done, and humbled himself to admit his heart.
Do you have this heart? A heart that admits their sin openly, who then seeks God in His Word. Repentance will only come through His Word, knowing His Word, and living His Word.
We need His word to cleanse us.
Hebrews 10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them After those days, saith the Lord: I will put my laws on their heart, And upon their mind also will I write them; then saith he,17 And their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
The next step is to ENGRAFT the Word in our hearts. We do not only have to know God's Word, we must write it in our hearts!!!
Brothers and sisters- let us come to this place of true repentance knowing we are sinners, knowing that we can only be cleansed through the blood of Jesus Christ and submitting our hearts, and lives to Him. We continue with that cleansing process, by engrafting the Word in our hearts!! May Our Lord Jesus forgive us of our sins!
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