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Showing posts from July, 2008

Blog Game

This was cute and I got it from Annie's Eyes blog : You Are Not a Wimp In fact, you are an incredibly tough person. Your nerves do not get the better of you. You don't back down from challenges or intimidating situations. You love the thrill of conquer... so much so that it outweighs the fear of defeat. Are You a Wimp?

Seeking Edification

Dear Siestas, Friends and family I have been trying to find places of edification for myself lately in why I have made the choices in my life I have made. I know they are ordained by Our Lord but when you are in a position that finances are so difficult, Your van breaks down, increase gas prices limit your mobility, increase food prices limit your ability to bring in sufficient amount of food and you are an able body, you need a reminder of why. Why do you stay home? Why do you homeschool? Why, why, why? This speaker does not give why- but gives me a reminder of what is in my heart! Why Stay Home?

What is the deepest desires of your heart?

My heart has been so full of things lately but the one nagging thing is, what is the deepest desires of your heart? (of my heart) Mine is to know the Lord's voice, to hear it in my life. To discern the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit and most of all to know scripture so well that if they banned the bible I would have it in my heart.  What is your deepest desires of your heart?

Our Little Noah

We all recieve so much joy from our little Noah. We get excited when he accomplishes something else new. Here is a video of him swimming all by himself. His big Brother Paul- taught him that if he kicks his feet it keeps him a float.  It is the cutest thing to watch him at 20 months swimming!

What is the meaning of family or extended family to you?

One of the things about moving to Texas that we were "excited" about was the thought of having "all the family" here.(actually extended family) Grandma,grandpa,  Sam's brothers, and sister are all here.  Well we have been here almost 6 months now. I guess the newness of us being here has worn off, because we do not receive  phone calls, text messages, or emails of;" what are you all doing this weekend?"  " Do you want to get together?"  It has turned out to be just like any other time we lived in close vicinity of each other. We have become special occasion, holiday only relations.  Why is that?  How does that happen?  Is it because we live such separate lives?   Our lives are very uneventful. We spend them each day just surviving that day. We do not think of tomorrow- (that is scriptural) We do not take pleasure in vain things. I hate to shop. I love to sew. I hate going to the beauty parlor. All those things that "woman" are suppo...

Most touching Video

Ok Siestas, friends, and family- It is not often I see or hear something that touch me so deeply that I have to share but this is one so worth it.  Please watch- it is so worth your time- and a reminder of how precious life is!

Memorizing Scripture

Hello Siestas, Friends and Family I have started that memorizing scripture technique and I thought I would give you a report. Thus far I have memorized all 5 of my topical references and my first scripture to go with my first reference. The technique works. For those of you that desire to memorize scripture and have always had a hard time with it, this method works. Try it for yourself. I have not heard from some of you in a while. I pray all is well. Life here has been very crazy and we are in need of alot of prayer. Where do I begin- first off we have come to realize that we did not discern the voice of the Holy Spirit in moving to Texas. The whole reason why we came was for a job opportunity for Samuel out of construction, working with his brother. Within a month we could see that the "opportunity" he offered was not quite panning out as he (being Sam's brother) stated. By February Samuel had to make a decision on whether to continue to work for his brother for the ...

How to memorize Scripture

Sermon By Greg Locke I listen to this sermon yesterday- It gave some great information on memorizing scripture. I was not sure if you would be interested but here are my notes. I am going to put the theory to the test!  How to Memorize Scripture: 1. Pick your topic- write it on the corner of a 3x5 index card Once you have picked your topic. 2. Write all references in order from Old to New Testament pertaining to that topic on the card. JUST the references NO VERSES YET!! 3. Memorize References in Order 4. WALK As you work- walk as you try to memorize the references- if you sit not as much oxygen reaches the brain... walk as you try to memorize! 5. Write the verses to each reference on a separate card! Write by hand, not type... writing them yourself- will start the process of memorizing the scripture.  6.Repetition is the key to learning- Keep at it!

Examine Yourself- Sermon by Paul Washer

Yesterday we listened to the most convicting, and self examining sermon in a long time. It was one that you walked away knowing that the sermon was for you. Here are my notes- please note that this is not everything Mr. Washer said. May our Lord Jesus use these words to change your lives and open your heart! Examine Yourself- or in other words test yourself using the Word of God.  How do you know that you are a believer? There are 2 Philosophies that are in the church today: 1. Most popular- "Security of a Believer"- This philosophy tells everyone that if they believe in Jesus Christ they are saved. (Satan believes in Jesus Christ) 2. this one is not as common- we do not hear of it as often - "Doctrine of Assurance" This philosophy tells everyone that if they prayed the prayer they can be "assured" that they are saved. How can you know that you are saved? (scripture reference-2 Corinthians 13:5 )   5  Try your own selves, whether ye are in the faith; prove...

Happy 15th Sammy on the 15th

Happy 15th Birthday Sammy

back to reality

Well my sister left and now it is time to get back to "reality". Whatever that is. The lonely days way out here in no where land Texas, no friends, and definitely no family! Ask me if I am feeling sorry for myself- the answer is yes! It is always so hard to move- because you leave friends behind. This move though was my hardest ever because I was leaving my best friend behind-my sister. I love being with her! I do not have to pretend, be someone else, or just work at it, I can be me!   Though the longer I am here nothing changes about how I feel about being here in Texas- that is I do not want to be here. Everything is to far to get too. The people here are rude. The church is too far so we have no way of being involved and others being involved in our lives. Just a vicious cycle!  Ok moving on- during the time that Missy was here I did alot of sewing for her- She wanted me to sew a skirt for Berty's recital, a body suite for the recital.I made Berty(the 5 year old) a dan...
We accomplished painting- I say we- but it was actually my sister and the children- that did the living room and hall way. The house looks great! Now all i need to do is get the carpet replaced!!


If you look to the left of the kids, that is the dining room wall-

The Dining Room Paint

Here is What my sister did- I will post a before!

I am alive

Hello Dear friends, Family and my Sweet Siestas I am still here, and I am alive. Life in our home has been crazy. Let me share: On Friday my friend Celina- arrived to spend her last nights here in the great USA- before she headed back out to the mission field in the Philippines, where her husband is at. (We loved having them here. ) It was a crazy night- and I was sitting crocheting before bed, when my sister called- asking me what I was doing.(at 11pm) I was telling her I was getting ready for bed when she stated why don't you come and open the back door for me. YES she was standing on my back porch all the way from Springfield Missouri area! She had come down and surprised me!!! It was the best surprise ever!!! I jumped from my rocking chair and ran to the door, but of course I did not make it before all the children did. They were just as excited to see her as I was!!! (so see I do have a good excuse for my absence) My sister will be here for two weeks. I have enjoyed having her...