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Showing posts from October, 2008

My Missionary Friend

Hello Dear ones-   I know it has been so long since I last blogged. My life has been a whirlwind and there are times where I barely feel like I am keeping my head afloat, but God is so good to meet you right where you are at or when you need him he is there.  I am really posting to share with you about my beloved Missionary friend Celina- She is here in the USA trying to take care of some issues they have been having with their bank account. You never realize how INCONVENIENT life can be till you have to deal with life in another country and still try to maintain things in the USA.  She is such a small frail looking person, but what a spirit this woman has. She truly does love the Lord. Life as a missionary has been a time of stretching and molding in her life. She has seen illness in her family and herself. She has experienced spirtual attack. She battles the differences in culture, language and understanding, while trying to do the Will of God and reach the lost. What a challenge is ...

Happy Anniversary to my Beloved

I meant to do this days ago- Friday Oct 17, Samuel and I celebrate our 16th Wedding Anniversary.... WOW 16 years seemed to have fly by. It seems like yesterday some days and eternity others- can I get an AMEN? Does anyone wonder what he is like? Samuel E. Sellers- a man of many HIDDEN talents- is my bestest friend. His smile and laughter still to this day lightens my heart and makes me feel like everything is going to be ok even if the world is falling apart around me- which often time it is! He has such a fun loving sense of humor. He is caring and always so tender with all of His family and friends. He is truly a mighty man of God, a wonderful husband, and servant for his family. He is truly a wonderful example of man for my youngmen, and for my beatiful daughter. His strenths are all my weaknesses! My love for him grows with each passing day. I pray that this is just one of many more anniversaries I will share with this incredible man! I love you Babe!

Worshipping Wednesday!

Praise you Jesus- I praise you my Lord, my Prince of Peace, Lord of Lord, Mighty One- My Solid Rock! I come to you in a spirit of Worship- and ask that these words- my words speak to all of those who read them. Amen This has been a crazy week- we have visitors. My friend Celina and her youngest Joshua-are missionaries( MOR ) from the Philippines are here with us for a few days. She has come to broken, and ill. She needs many prayers and needs restoration spiritually and mentally! Serving others not only is draining but has caused major difficulties in their family dynamics! I see Satan attacking all over them- it is sad because- she is so dear to me- her pain- causes my heart to break. Yet I know- that though they are fighting for what is Good, and pure, the Lord has not left them! He is there to strengthen them. They truly believe in the GREATEST Commandment- to go and make disciples of Nations- but with that commandment- there was NO promise that it would be easy. The evil one does ...

Good Monday Morning

Hello all- it is Monday- .. I do pray everyone had a blessed weekend. As for myself- it was uneventful. The uneventful weekends are always nice! I interrupt this blog for a important News Break: My friend-Celina Henderson- missionary from the Philippines is in town. I ask you lift her in Prayer PLEASE- her family is under severe spiritual attack. She is under physical attack- she has been very ill,because of nerves she is having a nervous breakdown! She has returned to take care of issues that they have been having with their bank. Moneys have been removed regularly from there account which has been hindering their finances.  Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging...... I woke early this morning to have some time with the Lord- it was a sweet time of reading in prayer- my bible study has challenged me in prayer. Reminding me of the power I have lying in dormant waiting to be awoken again! (the Holy Spirit) I felt HIS sweet presence- like an old friend wrapping HIS arms around me....

Bible study-Testimony

As I continue on in my bible study- which is great- I had started this bible study before- but I do not think I ever finished it- who knows why- here is a post that I wrote that had the letter from God to women - that is in the book. It is a must read! Ok now on to my testimony- It is to be divided in to two parts- First Part before Christ, and second part my life after Christ- My life before Christ- I was raised in Lancaster, Pa- by a faithful Catholic mother. I am the eldest of at the time 3 siblings. My real father- was an abusive man to his whole family. He was extremely controlling of my mother- who after 10 years had enough of his abuse and left. He would not let her leave with the children, so she left anyway. The abuse increased tremendously on me- being the eldest.  Let's fast forward some- over time- things transpired- and we ended up with our mother. Who at this point had adjusted to single life, and was dating someone.(we knew him well) They married and started their o...

The King's Daughter

Good morning all- I am up early- Praise the Lord. I have decided to try and get up early- and have some time with the Lord- then see if I can get some things done with schooling. I am hoping if I can do this- during the day I can work on some projects I have been trying to get done. Anyway- I started a book this morning by Diane Hagee- The King's daughter. The first chapter brought me to tears several times. As she gave testimony of what God did for the very first conference she put together for young ladies, I could see the mighty power of God. The power, that we know is there, but so often doubt. I was amazed about how he worked to see that she got what she needed for this 12 week conference to be a success! She stated some profound points that I thought I would share with all of you. This book is Titled " The King's Daughter- Becoming the Women God created you to be." It covers the inner women that has never come out. This all started because she decided to start ...

Turning 18

Today is my eldest son's birthday- he is turning 18 years old. Such a significant age to the world around us. But truly what does it mean to those who do not live according to the world, and the standards of the world. It means that he is growing, becoming a man, but that does not happen just because he turned 18 years old. It has been happening over time through body changes, and through changes that I see in his character. What makes a man? Is it truly his age that makes a man? Or is it his actions, his character, the way he deals with life situations and the decisions he makes? Each time my baby, faces challenges in his life and comes to a conclusion that a man comes to- my eyes are change. I see him for what he is becoming, the MAN of God, The WARRIOR for Christ, and some day the LEADER of his home. That did not happen just because he is 18 years old! All that to say- My son, my baby, my love, my pride and Joy- Happy Birthday! Mom loves you more than herself! /Mom!

Tag your are it

Thank you Michelle V for tagging me- I was not sure what I was to do from there but I am following Sallye's example and going to do what she has done! Answer these questions with one word answers Where is your cellphone? Desk Where is your signficant other? Work Your hair color? Very Dark Brown Your Mother? Saved Your Father? working Your Favorite Thing? PHOTOGRAPHY Your dream/goal? to see my children Grow to be Warriors of God(sorry could not put that into one word) The room you're in? School Rooom Your hobby? Many Your Fear? Children would turn from the Lord Where do you want to be in 6 years? not here Where were you last night? home What you're not? Perfect One of your wish items? apple computer The last thing you did? sing Happy birthday to my son(sorry could not put that into one word either) What are you wearing? PJs Your TV? Off Your Pet? Stinky Pug Your Computer? on Your Mood? Thankful Missing Someone? Yes Your Car? Surburban Something you're not wearing but l...

struggling through...

The last few days have been such a challenge for me mentally, physically and spiritually. I have been challenged to be creative for lunch with the very little food we have in the house right now. I have never ending school work to get done, grading, creating lesson plans and typing out test. I never seem to be able to catch up with myself. I have had a hard time with my quiet time. Honestly I have not had ANY quiet time.  How do you all do it? Especially those of you that get up and go to work each morning!  I know I should be doing it. I know it is part of my  mental health issues right now but I can not seemed to stay on it or stick with something.  I often pray for someone  to ask me what did you read- each day, or what is God speaking to you today. ACCOUNTABILITY- a word so many of us hear but very a few of us have or live out. What is true accountability mean?   Why have we gotten so busy in our society to stop and see how each of our brothers and sisters are doing spiritually?  I...