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Christmas 2008- has begun...

It is that time of the year again... for those who know me very well know that I am a bah humbug- at Christmas time, but not this year. This year in my heart, in my spirit things are different. I am not quite sure why, maybe it is because we have decided as a family to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, starting with establishing some "new" family traditions that I am praying will stay with us for generation to generations to come! One of them is a devotional about the Nativity- that I purchased from Vyckie Bennette-(please check it out) The funds go to a ministry that Samuel and I help establish called "the Lords Heritage". We are all truly called by God to bring forth His Heritage!

When we placed the ornaments on the tree- we saved the ones my sister made for us for last. (they have each of our names on them) As we placed our name bulb on the tree- I had the children share- what This Christmas meant to them. Some, of course, had a profound answer, while others struggled with truly sharing what it meant to them.(we will have to work on that!)My heart is to get them to a point where Christmas means more than lights, decorations,candy and presents! I want to see and hear that they understand that Christmas is about Christ and that only we(Christians) can manifest that in our lives- not only at Christmas but each day. We should shine more at this time though because this season is all about Our King!


  1. I've heard of that Nativity set. Let me know how you like it.


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