Deu 29:29 The secret [things belong] unto the LORD our God: -Not everything of God do we know - Not everything of God do we understand but those [things which are] revealed [belong] unto us and to our children for ever, that [we] may do all the words of this law. There are things that we do know through His Word and understand of God. Those things are our responsibility. Those words/ways are to be taught to our children, children’s children, children’s children’s children FOREVER! so that they will do and keep God’s law and ways. In our human mind we think we know God because He’s like us, right? Wrong- we were made in HIS image, not His in our image and it is only in HIS image are we made, but without Christ and HIS redeeming blood we are NOTHING like God because without Christ we are DARK, Sinful, and Ugly. No darkness is in Him ( 1 John 1:5) Only being redeemed are we washed clean, and Christ in us are we able to see the light beaming through the darkne...