Yesterday evening was my first women’s meeting at our church. Sister Cheri(Pastor’s wife) held it and taught. The fellowship hall was all decorated very feminine. (sorry for the first time in a long time I FORGOT my camera) She made us a meal, chicken,brocoli, corn, with Alfredo noodles. It was all very good.But the Word she shared was wonderful. It was titled-
A wolf in sheep’s clothing or a sheep in wolf’s clothing-it was on modest clothing.
Her information came from this sermon
The Language of Christian Clothing- By SM Davis
and of course Scripture…
I will to try to do what she shared some justice.
The Language of Christian Clothing
1. The main clothing of the Christian is not the clothing of the outside but the clothing of the inside
- the main thing is having Jesus living within us in which these things will manifest themselves outwardly through the fruit in our lives:
-righteousness ( Job 29:14)
- salvation ( Isaiah 61:10)
- strength and honor (Proverbs 31:25)
-Humility (I Peter 5:5)
Comparison of what kind of attitude and spirit we should have- and what can be
Christ in us | without Christ |
servant attitude | self centered |
teachable | know it all |
not a pharisee | Pharisee |
grateful | ungrateful |
want to be like Jesus | |
concerned about their testimony before others | not concerned |
2. Your clothing SPEAKS a distinctive language all its own.
Here she shared a story of a news article she read – where a Pastor’s wife was arrested. What happened was this woman was dressed in such a way that the police officer thought she was a prostitute.
3. Inward and outward clothing should speak the same language
If we are followers of Jesus Christ- and profess our belief in him- then should we be dressing like the world?
4. Outward clothing is important to God and should therefore be important to us.
5. God’s purpose for clothing are protection, symbolism and modesty.
6. A person clothed with righteousness and humility would want to communicate the language of modesty and not the language of nakedness.
7. A person clothed with humility would want to communicate the language of submission
and acceptance of themselves rather than the language fo rebellion and rejection of God’s design
Deut 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
8. A person clothed with righteousness and humility would want to learn their language from the shepherd not the wolf.
9. A person clothed with righteousness and humility will be willing to accept their God given responsibility for their example in this area of life.
She spoke on the differences between a man and a woman- men are affected physically, emotionally by sight. Women are affected by touch,so what we wear does matter because of two reasons
1. we could be sending the wrong message –
2. we could be causing a brother to stumble by our dress.
All of this was wonderful information and affirmation on things the Lord had placed in my life and heart a long time ago!
I pray for those who take the time to read this- they will see Christ in the Words and He will be glorified.
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