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Showing posts from March, 2010

A reminder….

  To us all of why our Lord Jesus had to die…..           May all of you be blessed as you worship our Savior and King!

Silence is Bliss??

The one thing I desire this blog to be is a haven for the Lord to work through my words. I desire to encourage those who decide to stop by, with the Truth and Comfort that only comes from Our Lord Jesus. Lately, though, I have no words to share. Nothing encouraging or even profound to share. As I examine myself through The Basic Life Seminar videos that we are watching. I see a person in which I don’t like. One whose faith is not as deep as I would like. One who has bitterness in her heart and has no idea how to submit or be under authority since she manifests in her life every thing that shows she has walked against God’s will. So what I do? Where do I start to repair, restore and re-establish myself to our Lord and those who are in authority in my life? I guess I could first start with my attitude:    Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; Wh...

New Kind of Affiliate Program

My brother in Law and Sister in Law at Ministry Books has a new kind of Affiliate program. It is a new  unique program for ministries and churches.  Here is some information from their site: Who is eligible to be a Affiliate? Affiliate Links will only be provided to churches, Christian schools, other religious non-profit organizations and ministries that have a website. This protects the integrity of and all of our Affiliates. What is the purpose of our Affiliate Program? To allow Affiliates to receive donations on qualified purchases. What is a qualified purchase? Purchases made at via the Affiliate Link on your ministry’s website. How much money do Affiliates receive? Affiliates receive donations of 50% of the profit on all qualified purchases. Example: Let's say a $25.00 Retail Purchase is made at our online store via your Af...

Wordless Wednesday


Weekend – Gone already?!

Well the weekend went way to fast. It started with great exciting news Friday afternoon.. Let me explain. The children/ half grown ups decided to enter a contest the local Christian radio station was having for a bike. The contest was to create a video about MS (multiple sclerosis) – Which my mother has. The boys/men put their heads together and came up with this:   They WON  the  contest!!! Which of course was exciting news for them.. I am so proud of them.   Saturday- Was warm, and relaxing, we had a family breakfast which is rare for Saturdays since my men all referee for Soccer, but for the first time in months everyone was home.Later that day we went to Sam’s mom’s      to  celebrate Mrs. Sellers birthday which was actually Sunday   Sam with his Mom and Dad..       Sunday- we went to Grace Church of Humble to watch our niece- Rose- who is 8 years old, be baptized.     S...

Maria's recent Project...

    These are shorts Maria made all by herself.. Aren’t they adorable! She is going to be a better seamstress than her mother for sure!! Front

First Sunday at GFBC of Conroe..

On and off over the past year we have attended Grace Family Baptist Church. Though we loved the order of the church, the service, and the STRONG Word. We always struggled with the lack of friendliness in the people. We don't deem ourselves as unapproachable people. Actually I think we are pretty friendly as a family. None the less, there was no personal contact, nor relationship formed in the 3 or 4 months that we visited there. Out of frustration, desire for Godly fellowship and accountability in our lives, Samuel chose to move us on. We found this little fellowship close to our home, with lots of wonderful fellowship, as sweet as that fellowship was, they lacked order in the church. What a great heart these people have, loving each other and truly being involved in each others lives. Truly having a heart for the lost, and truly carrying each other’s burdens of life.  Graciously my beloved spoke to the Pastor, many times we prayed for the Lord to change our hearts, or to restor...

A blast from the past

  This is a video of Maria, Noah and Beaulah.. Beaulah hated that car and Noah hated that Beaulah would bark at the car… If you listen closely he is saying stop… Watch his expression.. and his puffy cheeks.  

Bible Challenge Answers

      Blessings 1. Who first delivered to the children of Israel the famous Benediction that begins “ The Lord bless you and Keep you…”?  Aaron -Numbers 6:22-26   2. In the Beatitudes, the first blessed are the _______________?  poor in spirit -Mathew 5:2-3   Books of the Old Testament   3. Which Old Testament book records Israelites census details? Numbers – Numbers 1:1-46 4. In essence, Psalm 18 is found where else in the Old Testament? 2 Samuel 22   I pray you were blessed as you opened God’s Word for the answers.    

Bible Challenge Thursday

  Good Glorious Morning.. what a another wonderful day to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and What a great opportunity to open His Word, and learn from it.       Blessings 1. Who first delivered to the children of Israel the famous Benediction that begins “ The Lord bless you and Keep you…”?     2. In the Beatitudes, the first blessed are the _______________?     Books of the Old Testament   3. Which Old Testament book records Israelites census details?   4. In essence, Psalm 18 is found where else in the Old Testament?       Thank you to those who take the time to participate. May you be richly blessed as you seek God's face, and the answers. Answers will be posted Saturday.  

Wordless Wednesday

Come Together Now..

    I love this video   May the word spread and God’s people stand to help those in need.

Blog Parade-

    Who doesn't love a parade.. the bands, the people waving, and the occasional candy throwing.. What about a parade from home.. not quite the same.. but still fun! Instead of music, you have your computer, and the people- well you don’t get to see them face to face, but it is fun to read about them. Abigail Grace is putting on the blog parade.. and I am one of your waving marchers!!   1. What's your favorite time of the day, and why? Very early before the sun rises and the house is quiet 2. If health wasn't an issue, what food could you live off of? Potato chips-Grandma Utz or Martin Potato Chips which are not found in my part of the country 3. If you could have one wish granted (besides wishing for more wishes), what would it be? For my beloved be granted the desire of his heart and that is to have a Working, and productive farm 4. What's one thing that you get teased about a lot?      My curly and sometimes uncontrollable hair. 5. If you could c...

Greatest Commandment

Good Monday morning all. As I reflect on my weekend, it was one of peace, and relaxation. We were unable to attend church yesterday, because my car(which is the family vehicle) was not in working order. We are not unfamiliar with home churching, so we took the opportunity to invite another family who was not able to go to church, to come to our home and fellowship. Like any other service we opened in prayer and song. Boy are we out of practice in this. My family use to sing, ALOT. Since attending that small Pentecostal church, we have not sung in a long time. After  song, Samuel (my beloved) begun his message and what a powerful message it was. It was on the greatest commandments of Christ. I figured I would share my notes with you: What is the Greatest Commandments given to us by Christ? Matthew 22:34-40 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.Then one of them, [which was] a lawyer, asked [him a question]...