Well the weekend went way to fast. It started with great exciting news Friday afternoon.. Let me explain. The children/ half grown ups decided to enter a contest the local Christian radio station was having for a bike. The contest was to create a video about MS (multiple sclerosis) – Which my mother has. The boys/men put their heads together and came up with this:
They WON the contest!!! Which of course was exciting news for them.. I am so proud of them.
Saturday- Was warm, and relaxing, we had a family breakfast which is rare for Saturdays since my men all referee for Soccer, but for the first time in months everyone was home.Later that day we went to Sam’s mom’s to celebrate Mrs. Sellers birthday which was actually Sunday
Sam with his Mom and Dad..
Sunday- we went to Grace Church of Humble to watch our niece- Rose- who is 8 years old, be baptized.
Sunday afternoon we went back over Sam’s parents because Sam needed to change the oil in his truck. It was such a beautiful day so we all hung out on the porch.
Grandpa with Paul, and Joey!
Me and my Beloved man!
That was my weekend, how was your weekend?
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