I always dread mondays-it is always busy, it is always hard to get everyone motivated and focused. Just when you get everyone flowing the week ends.. My weekend went quickly- I spent it AGAIN- driving the children back and forth to soccer. The weather Saturday was goreous. It started out cool, and it slowly warmed for them.Sunday of course was hotter. It started at 80 something- and just got warmer from there. The children worked really really hard. They were exhausted when they got home yesterday. Though I did not work, I was still very tired getting up at 5am- which I NEVER do-to drive everyone around, and stayed up all day.(you ever tried taking a nap with a three year old around?) Sunday afternoon, after church we spent it with a very special family. Marsha from Other Such Happenings - she is an incredible person- I enjoyed her home(which is beautiful but most important the peace of the Holy Spirit reigns there), her children are fabulous, and she is amazing how she just manages ev...