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Showing posts from August, 2010

Monday Morning..

I always dread mondays-it is always busy, it is always hard to get everyone motivated and focused. Just when you get everyone flowing the week ends.. My weekend went quickly- I spent it AGAIN- driving the children back and forth to soccer. The weather Saturday was goreous. It started out cool, and it slowly warmed for them.Sunday of course was hotter. It started at 80 something- and just got warmer from there. The children worked really really hard. They were exhausted when they got home yesterday. Though I did not work, I was still very tired getting up at 5am- which I NEVER do-to drive everyone around, and stayed up all day.(you ever tried taking a nap with a three year old around?) Sunday afternoon, after church we spent it with a very special family. Marsha from Other Such Happenings - she is an incredible person- I enjoyed her home(which is beautiful but most important the peace of the Holy Spirit reigns there), her children are fabulous, and she is amazing how she just manages ev...


Doing this makes me wonder what am I truly thankful for.. I guess the number one thing is knowing that I am redeemed. I am redeemed by Christ who is my redeemer. I am also grateful for the health of my children and my beloved. For strength that HE gives me each.  I know I know.. boring all the things most people are thankful for. But do we really realize what a blessing just our health is? How many people do you know that are sick in one way or another? Being thankful for healthy lives is not something to be taken for granted. That is what I am most thankful for! What are you thankful for? Angie

Does it really Matter?

I read this question "How do you maintain contentment with your station or calling in life?" from another blog (go check it ou t) and decided to blog about it myself.. It was one of those questions that make you go "hmmm". I guess I will start with asking you the same question: How do you maintain contentment in your calling in life? Let me change the question- How do you maintain contentment in the position for life the Lord Jesus has placed you in? I have spent many years of our (my beloved's and mine) 17 years of marriage working on and off. It was not till about 5-6 years ago did the Lord speak loud and clear to my beloved that working outside of the home for me, and maintaining the home, children and schooling was NOT possible. He came to this understanding that the Lord is our provider. Not that he did not know this, but it was just a nail that deepened in his heart that is not anything we do that puts food on our table or a roof over our heads. We are jus...

A kiss on the lips....

Proverb24: 26 He who gives an honest answer gives a kiss on the lips. These words spoke so clearly to me this morning... What does it mean? And how does it apply to us? Well this is what I get out of these words... A person who speaks honestly, and directly is someone who cares. Someone who is willing to put themselves out there in a place where others do not dare to tread. They are willing to tell you when you are wrong, or admit when you are right. Are you one of those people? Or do you only tell people what you think they want to hear? Are your words full of purity and truth? Or are they words that only benefit you? We tend to forget that our words are important.  Words to each other, to your spouse, your children, your friends or family... are important and according to scripture we will give an account for every idle word. Mathew 12: 36" But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" What does the w...

My daughter the Referee

Here are some photos of my girl in action on her first weekend of being a soccer referee. [caption id="attachment_659" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Running down the Line"] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_657" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Keeping up with Play"] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_658" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="Waiting for the next play"] [/caption] She really is the prettiest referee out there! Angie

A time...

Ecclesiastes3: 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. For everything that we walk through there is a time, a season in which God uses for Him, to bring us closer to Him, to help us depend on Him, and for us to Love Him. What season are you walking in today? Are you in a season of healing? Are you in a season of mourning? Are you in ...

Forgot to share

I forgot to share with you that Saturday my blog was featured on Pixel Perfect's Blog for her Getting to know you session... I am so excited. Thank you Monica for allowing me to be part... Hop on over and check out what my answers where to her questions: How long have you been married? How many children do you have? ages? What is the one thing that if nothing else "sticks" you want your children to learn from you? and more..... Go check it out at Pixel Perfect Angie

But God

This was written in our local Texas community paper and it was so profound and spoke straight to my heart with all the changes we will be going through with our move. BUT GOD : I want a life that by all accounts should have turned out a "certain" way.......but God!!! The kind of life that human reasoning or logic cannot explain. A life like the widow from 1Kings 17 who was going to make bread from the little flour and oil she had left and then die.....but God!!! The life of Daniel who trusted God even when he was faced with hunger-ravaged lions ready to devour him...... but God !!! A life like Joseph who, after being thrown into the pit by his own flesh & blood, not only forgave his offenders but believed God's great purpose in it all. Joseph understood what they had done was meant for evil. Yet when a famine hit the land and he had every opportunity to pay back his brothers, this is what he said..... 'BUT GOD sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remna...

Saying "I love you"...

Thinking about these words. These words that are to express our deepest emotions. These words that are to leave us vunerable and open, just do not seem to have the impact they use to. Many people use these words so fleeting. They use them as if to say "thank you", or "I thought about you today". For me "I love you" is not an easy thing to say. If I say I love you- I mean it from way down deep in my heart. They are not just words to be said but also words, that are to be put into action. Have you ever thought about that? When someone says "I love you", do they show through their actions that they love you?  or do they leave you going Huh, really? I have had those thoughts, wondering if the person who has declared their love really does love me because actions speak louder than words to me. I hear their words but then on the other hand see their actions and  they do not act like a person who even cares about my well being. Jesus never states in the...

Fabulous post from my beloved husband

I am always amazed at my husband's convictions and abilities to interpret the Word- he is truly a Man God- and I think so many miss out on his Words. So I decided to put a link on here to his blog so that this post would reach as many as possible. Rise up O'Men of God Pass it on!! Angie

The more I seek you...

The past few days have been strange. Side note:Not to mention we spent the weekend without AC- not that we are not grateful that we had a place to go to stay cool, but it is never easy to be in others homes, dependent upon them for shelter. You try to be mindful and considerate since they are putting themselves out for your comfort. We were truly blessed by their selflessness. Arriving home Monday, waiting for the AC guy to come, we spent the day in a 101 degree house. Do you know that when it is that hot, your fuse is VERY short? Your tolerance level is very low and you just do not want to put up with much more than the uncomfortableness of the heat. That is not a good combination at all!! (very dangerous trust me) Well back to my strangeness.. I have been feeling very unfulfilled.. not as a wife or a mother. Oh how I love those two jobs . Samuel is so easy, and such a wonderful man to care for, and to help. And my children- well the Lord has truly blessed me! I am unworthy of those ...