This was written in our local Texas community paper and it was so profound and spoke straight to my heart with all the changes we will be going through with our move.
I want a life that by all accounts should have turned out a "certain" way.......but God!!! The kind of life that human reasoning or logic cannot explain. A life like the widow from 1Kings 17 who was going to make bread from the little flour and oil she had left and then die.....but God!!!
The life of Daniel who trusted God even when he was faced with hunger-ravaged lions ready to devour him...... but God !!!
A life like Joseph who, after being thrown into the pit by his own flesh & blood, not only forgave his offenders but believed God's great purpose in it all. Joseph understood what they had done was meant for evil. Yet when a famine hit the land and he had every opportunity to pay back his brothers, this is what he said..... 'BUT GOD sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance"... (Gen 45:7)
Oh Lord , give me a "but God " life!
Perhaps you are tired and weary: you're down to your last loaf; you've been thrown in a pit. Don't give up !! Like Joseph, believe that God is able to work this out in your life. Not only can He work it out but He is able to bring more good from it than the enemy could ever bring bad. When we live with this simple humble faith, we're going to experience a "but God" life. Perhaps you don't believe that. Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice.. Blessed are all who wait for Him !!
I pray you'll read Isaiah 30:18 from the amplified Bible that turns up the volume on this scripture and take it personally, because the Lord is speaking to you ! I'm not sure where you are. Maybe you are struggling with sin or character issues, addictions..... Isaiah 30:19 says your time of tears is over. The Lord will surely be gracious if you ask for help. You can't do it on your own ..... BUT GOD....... your provider, protector, healer, deliverer, redeemer, Name above every name, lover of your soul....will answer your cry as soon as He hears !!!!!!!!
Isaiah 30:18
18 And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD[ is] a God of judgment: blessed[ are] all they that wait for him.
I want a life that by all accounts should have turned out a "certain" way.......but God!!! The kind of life that human reasoning or logic cannot explain. A life like the widow from 1Kings 17 who was going to make bread from the little flour and oil she had left and then die.....but God!!!
The life of Daniel who trusted God even when he was faced with hunger-ravaged lions ready to devour him...... but God !!!
A life like Joseph who, after being thrown into the pit by his own flesh & blood, not only forgave his offenders but believed God's great purpose in it all. Joseph understood what they had done was meant for evil. Yet when a famine hit the land and he had every opportunity to pay back his brothers, this is what he said..... 'BUT GOD sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance"... (Gen 45:7)
Oh Lord , give me a "but God " life!
Perhaps you are tired and weary: you're down to your last loaf; you've been thrown in a pit. Don't give up !! Like Joseph, believe that God is able to work this out in your life. Not only can He work it out but He is able to bring more good from it than the enemy could ever bring bad. When we live with this simple humble faith, we're going to experience a "but God" life. Perhaps you don't believe that. Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice.. Blessed are all who wait for Him !!
I pray you'll read Isaiah 30:18 from the amplified Bible that turns up the volume on this scripture and take it personally, because the Lord is speaking to you ! I'm not sure where you are. Maybe you are struggling with sin or character issues, addictions..... Isaiah 30:19 says your time of tears is over. The Lord will surely be gracious if you ask for help. You can't do it on your own ..... BUT GOD....... your provider, protector, healer, deliverer, redeemer, Name above every name, lover of your soul....will answer your cry as soon as He hears !!!!!!!!
Isaiah 30:18
18 And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD[ is] a God of judgment: blessed[ are] all they that wait for him.
I have missed talking to you. Thank You so very much for all your prayers for Baby Boy. 5 more weeks to go. How are you?