This has been on my mind since listening to Voddie Bauchman's sermon "When is He ready?"-- one of the first thing he states is how we conform so easily to the thoughts, and ways of society... and it is so true. We conformed to everything it tells us too-why? People conform when it comes to training up their own children. Society has stated parents are incapable of teaching their children, so you must send them to the institutions because we will do such a better job than you can ever think of doing.. HMM-- has that even come to pass? We are brain washed to think that the "professionals" know exactly what they are doing. Did you know that teachers books are so detailed with explanations of how to teach the children that they even tell them exactly what to say for each lesson??? No one knows your child like you do, so who better to teach them but you... you love them, want to see them succeed and be the best. Your investment is your heart and soul, some teachers ...