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Showing posts from June, 2011

Conformed minds.....

This has been on my mind since listening to Voddie Bauchman's sermon "When is He ready?"-- one of the first thing he states is how we conform so easily to the thoughts, and ways of society... and it is so true. We conformed to everything it tells us too-why? People conform when it comes to training up their own children. Society has stated parents are incapable of teaching their children, so you must send them to the institutions because we will do such a better job than you can ever think of doing.. HMM-- has that even come to pass? We are brain washed to think that the "professionals" know exactly what they are doing. Did you know that teachers books are so detailed with explanations of how to teach the children that they even tell them exactly what to say for each lesson??? No one knows your child like you do, so who better to teach them but you... you love them, want to see them succeed and be the best. Your investment is your heart and soul, some teachers ...

New/old friends...

I know the title has made you go hmmm, right? Let me explain, we have had the priviledge and the blessing to have met new friends the Bucklins for the first time in the 6 years that we have known them. (old friends) We met the Bucklins through a reversal ministry that "fell apart" not long after we met. In that time, we(the Bucklins and the Sellers) knew we could not let a ministry like that just die, so we started The Lord's Heritage. A reversal ministry that was for those who realize that children are a heritage from the Lord and get convicted of taking matters into their own hands instead allowing God be who he is, God. But in the time of establishing the ministry and over the years, all correspondence with this winderful family has always been with phone calls, email,facebook and photos. For the first time we have been able to talk to them face to face, and truly fellowship. It has been such a blessing, because though distance ,family obligations, and finances h...

Last few days....

past few days have been busy. It started Friday with Maria and Joey's CCA(Commonwealth Connections Academy) end of the school year celebration. We celebrated at Hershey Park. It was fun to see all the teachers that have been answering emails, and helping them make it through their classes... side note I still homeschool- but Maria and Joseph actually are cyberschooling. Here is a photo of Joseph with his and Reia's homeroom teacher- [caption id="attachment_866" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Joey and Mrs. Fisher"] [/caption]   Saturday the gang refereed all day- which meant mom did alot of running around. Sunday, we went to church and then were blessed to spend the evening hanging out with our Pastor and his family [caption id="attachment_867" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Their 5 year old daughter"] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_869" align="aligncenter"...

My sisters Blog

My sister has finally made the plunge into the world of blogging! She is the most creative and artistic person I know. She is my counterpart, my opposite. Where she is creative, artistic and amazing, I am organized, serious, and much more conservative. The two us together make the best team! Here is her blog: check it out,she will be posting how to videos, and sharing her artistic, creative talents! Trust me her blog is worth following! Angie

them getting bigger, it gets easier....

[caption id="attachment_855" align="aligncenter" width="272" caption="guiding Sheep is not an easy task"] [/caption] whoever told me that was lying with a capital L. C hildren getting older does not mean they get easier!! Actually the older they get the more complicated things become. When they were young they were so willing to help. If mom was cleaning they wanted to clean too, if mom was doing laundry they wanted to help fold. Now.. ugh to get them to pick up their own dirty clothes, fold their own stuff, and put it away is like having a root canal! And opinions fly as fast as the attitude comes... pet peeve- ATTITUDE!  Some would say they get it honestly...hush is what I would say. (haha) Grown children are not easy ladies. Especially when you worked so hard to raise them in the Word of the Lord, and spent lots of time discipling, guiding and praying with each of them. You keep guiding them away from the pits and darkness towards the light. I...

Fun in the Sun

Ducky has gotten a pool in the back yard. It is not a very big pool, but it is big enough for some of his older brothers to sit in it with him and play with him. He loves it and has had a blast playing in it. Even the next door neighbors dog has a small pool... Maggie our Neighbors dog Have fun this summer... stay cool... Angie