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Showing posts from August, 2011

" Geez- You are big"

These are words that have been expressed to me in the past week. I often wonder, do people not think about what they say or how they say it? Do they not stop to think that this could hurt someone's feelings or their self-esteem? As baby grows, I grow.. nothing I can do about that. She is getting big, so in turn I am getting big. Trust me I look in the mirror- I see how big I am. I also get on the scale, I know how big I am. But it is not a big because I am fat, eating too much and gaining weight for no reason. I have a life in me, growing, preparing herself to come into this world. I pray a healthy babe as well! I could not imagine coming up to a pregnant woman and looking at her and saying "Geez- you are big" I had one person come up to me who had not seen me since January or February-- she looks at me and says " Are you having twins?" I say "No" She continues on by saying " Wow- you are huge!" I walked away thinking how rude! Really-- am ...


As time gets closer for this little one to arrive in this world, all these fears keep trying to creep up. The main one is she going to be healthy? Will she have any problems? Will she have down syndrome?( because as you know I am so OLD and I am having a baby-- sorry for the sarcasm) And how will I handle that? Am I making a mistake having her at home? Will the midwives be able to handle anything? I keep trying to tell myself that these fears are normal. That no matter what everything will be ok. But have you ever tried to talk yourself out of being afraid... it does not work very well. I know all things are in the hands of the One who created the universe, the one who stops the ocean in the right spot, and the one who places the moon where it is. I know He is my strength when I am weak. He is my comforter, and my strong tower. And honestly He knows my strengths, weaknesses and knows just what He is doing... so tell me why do I not feel it? Why do I still allow these fears to capture...


In our church we have started reading this book... I am excited to see what the Lord is going to do in all our lives. The challenge this brings to me, my life, and whether I truly Love Jesus as He would want... hurts my feelings some... The first chapter makes some powerful points - Do we believe Jesus is so good, so satisfying, and so rewarding that we will leave all we have, all we own, and all we are to find our fullness in Him?? Would you? In this chapter-- we were to consider the cost involved in personally following Jesus Christ.... My thoughts: " The cost Christ paid seems so much greater a cost that I would pay for following Him, Yes--ok I may be mocked in this country, criticized, but death is not something we fear. So my heart question-- Would I be willing to die for Him? Now that is something we would all probably say yes to but when face with, when a gun is truly at your head-- thats when the truth be known! " Lord I pray that this book will challenge my family b...

Lesson from Leprosy and a Leper part 2

Luke 5:12-13 A Man Cleansed 12 While He was in one of the towns, a man was there who had a serious skin disease all over him. He saw Jesus, fell facedown, and begged Him: Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean. 13 Reaching out His hand, He touched him, saying, I am willing; be made clean, and immediately the disease left him. These verses have reminded me how defiled I am before the eyes of God Yahweh without the cleansing hand of our Saviour.... On Sunday Pastor David continued on this very eye opening point on sin... If you did not read the first blog or listen to the first sermon, go back you don't want to miss the first part. Here is the link for the sermon.... Second part Notes: II. The Lords concern What Jesus was about should be what we are about! A. Lord is compassionate to the leper We don't know the last time this leper felt human touch, and our Lord reaches out and touches him. This is minis...

Jesus Thank you...

Yesterday was our communion service-a time to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice that was given so that I could have a relationship with Abba Father. The sacrifice that no human could fathom or endure. At church they played a song during communion that was a reminder of who I was before this sacrifice. I was his enemy, so defiled from sin that He could not look upon me. But to the glory of His Son Jesus-- his blood washed away my sins and thank you seems so meager of words to say to one who laid down His life for me. I pray this song touches you, reminds you of who you are with Him, and gives you a heart of gratitude towards the Sacrifice He was so will to make for YOU! Angie

31 weeks

This pregnancy seems to have flown by. I guess because I focused on life. I focused on each day, rejoicing as this little one grew, rejoicing as she kicked, and knowing that every moment I received carrying this blessing was a kiss from my Lord Jesus himself. I am far from ready for this little one. I was blessed with a crib from my dad, and a swing from him as well. I received a few articles of clothing from a coworker of Paul's( very sweet lady) who gave me things she won't wear till next year( at one years old) That's it-- I have no crib sheets. I DO have baby blankets( plenty of those) From the McDaniel family I received a diaper bag, and from my life long dear friend and her mother I received a baby monitor. There is so much more needed for this bundle. It will come-- I know it :) We have decided that we will be having this little one at home. I am a bit anxious over this decision. It's the norm-- stepping into the unknown, the foreign, leaves anxiety, but I am con...

Grieving heart....

Hello again... I know the times I have blog have been few, but I am here and blessed to know that when I need to share you all there to listen. The past day or so I have had a grieving heart.. NO it is not life, NO it is not my wonderful beloved husband or my Wonderful children. It is for women, Godly women, women of Christ that is who my heart is grieving for. For those women who love the Lord, desire to live for Him, and just can not seem to do it, or just unsure if they are. For those young women who have just come to Christ, and feel so alone. For those women who are home moms, doing what they believe the Lord has called them to do, be keepers of the home, but deal with loneliness, and desire Godly companionship, and accountability with other women. For women-- who sometimes just want to hear another women's voice for encouragement in the Word of what their roles is and how important their roles in the home. I have been listening to sermons the last few days by wonderful, stron...