Normally our schooling never ends. I am a strong believer on making schooling a way of life, who we are, and not a seasonal occurrence. This summer I did take a large break to finalize paperwork for my older graduated children,and refocus on what the Lord has in store for the two youngest. I spent some much time dragging older children to the finish line that I forgot how exciting elementary school is. We got some of our new books last week... and as I looked through the material and I visualized all the fun things we could do to make this school year an exciting, productive but fun year. Most of all my goal is to plant a seed in my son a love for the Word of God. My heart to stay diligent on the Word, in the Word with him, and her. If NOTHING else gets done. I don't care. I want him so grounded in the knowledge as well as understanding that I want Him(Jesus) to solidify things within him. First Day of School. Lord Guide me in your wisdom.