Pain is an aspect of life none of us is exempt from. We can spend a lifetime trying to figure out why. We can even go as far as be angry with God for allowing pain but in all truth, none of that takes the pain away.
As a follower of "the WAY", I see in scripture that we are to endure suffering. Christ, the sinless one, endured the cross for my sin Though He himself was tempted and never did anything wrong. Imagine... He was tempted as you and I are. He was tempted in every way- but yet never sinned. I can say that is not my testimony. My tongue is sharp, I can be ungodly with my actions as well as my words. Yet he endured pain like we can never imagine. When the Word of God describes what they did to the sinless Christ, I hang my head in shame because I know I was the one who placed him there. His love for us was so great that he went to the Cross willingly. He only anguish was being separated from His Heavenly Father which he knew was going to happen. His anguish did not come from what He was going to have to endure, but from the very knowledge that when He died He would be separated from the Heavenly Father.
In comparison to this- our pain and trials seem so minor no matter how great the trial.. All too often when we experience trials we don't think or realize could this trial be a result of something I had done? Or could this trial or pain be something I need to learn? Instead, we want to know the why or even be indignant enough to ask God in a how dare your tone, "why?"
As I watch my husband in pain each day(physical pain) I wonder the why, not indignantly.
I wonder what is it that we are missing?
I wonder is it his lack of diligence in care for himself that he suffers?
Is it lack of sacrifice of the things he loves to eat and won't let go?
I remember how I have prayed Lord please have mercy on your servant and remove this pain from him. He has not answered that prayer. I sit back and watch and see how this pain has changed the man I married. ( in a lot of ways not for the good) I wonder often what is it we are missing or what is he missing? No matter what it doesn't change the fact that he must in endure this pain. He must wake every morning, provide for his family and be with our two smaller children the dad the older children had.
Pain is an aspect of life none of us want or even enjoy but it is part of the walk of life. Whether you are a follower of Christ or just not a believer at all, no one is exempt from experiencing the pains of life.
Holy and Gracious Father,
Pain is truly a molder in our lives. It is through pain that you work and mold us. Sometimes the outcome is just not what you planned. You never plan for your children to turn from you. Yet you continue running after use, and seeking to help us through our trials and our pain.
We are so unworthy of your faithfulness and love. Help us to use our pains, our trials for your glory. Protect us from the enemy who is always whispering lies to our hearts and our soul, trying to divide us from you and from your church/ your people.
May you be glorified in these words today.
In Name of our Lord Jesus-Amen
For your Glory Alone
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