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Showing posts from June, 2016

Yesterday we were a part of dedicating our first grandchild - what a joy it is to us to see a Godly seed begin life, to watch this little man grow and develop the calling of God in his life. Lord help us to model you, to guide him to your Word, and glorify you in all we do! We praise Jesus for you! #babysuthers #samsellersfamily2016 #instablog June 27, 2016 at 09:27AM

via Instagram Yesterday we were a part of dedicating our first grandchild - what a joy it is to us to see a Godly seed begin life, to watch this little man grow and develop the calling of God in his life. Lord help us to model you, to guide him to your Word, and glorify you in all we do! We praise Jesus for you! #babysuthers #samsellersfamily2016 #instablog

My Duckie experiencing his first bee sting. This is how I react. Not good:( Had to take him to Dr after two days of it getting worse . #instablog #samsellersfamily2016 #noahsellers2016 June 17, 2016 at 06:10AM

via Instagram My Duckie experiencing his first bee sting. This is how I react. Not good:( Had to take him to Dr after two days of it getting worse . #instablog #samsellersfamily2016 #noahsellers2016

Babygirl and her big brother- he is always taking care of her! She loves him to death! #elianasellers2016 #samsellersfamily2016 @alexx0705 #instablog June 15, 2016 at 07:59AM

via Instagram Babygirl and her big brother- he is always taking care of her! She loves him to death! #elianasellers2016 #samsellersfamily2016 @alexx0705 #instablog


#instablog These two emulate the foundation of God we desired our children to live in. Their hearts for each other and the people around them are an example! We love them so much! Thank you Lord for these gifts! #samsellersfamily2016 via Instagram

This song resonates my heart this season

The words of this song spoke so deeply to me this morning, Take Me to the King Truth is I'm tired Options are few I'm trying to pray But where are you? I'm all churched out Hurt and abused I can't fake What's left to do? In this season after serving a church for two years,we are looking around wondering what to do next? Going to another church that does not line up with our convictions? um NO we did that way too many times and we even served in one believing God had us there to help open up the Word to them. To help guide them to true discipleship. ( boy does that sound prideful)  We want to serve God's people using the gifts of shepherding discipleship and teaching. Oh many churches would say come here or here because we "need" you. But do they really??  I have no desire to be a part of a church that people are checking their spiritual box every Sunday.Monday thru Saturday have no contact with each other. I have no ...

#instablog Morning with the Lord

My beloved and I enjoying our morning reading sitting outside at our little table. Nothing like seeking the Lord in His Word listening to the birds chirping. via Instagram


#instablog I missed my mornings in the sun, reading the Word, listening to birds sing glory to our Lord and soaking up the warmth of the sun. via Instagram

To Live is Christ

I decided this summer to start a new bible study- on my own. It is a Beth Moore study- I am in my second week and it is on the life of Paul. So far it has been very good- today’s time in the Word was on the life of Stephen. You know the very first martyr for Christ. Stephen's story in scripture is very short but very powerful. In the end, he was stoned to death and his last words were similar to the last words of Jesus. “Lord do not hold this sin against them.” Forgiving someone is not easy but to ask forgiveness of the very people who are killing you. Do wonder wow- how could he? He could have easily asked for the Lord to vindicate him. To make those people who were stoning him suffer for the pain they were causing him. Instead, he asked for God’s mercy to be upon them and for him to not bring judgment down for what they were doing. Why would Stephen do that? Why would he not ask to live? Why not beg God to stop this and intervene? Stephen realized his life was just a vapor that...

My man

via Instagram man looking so good as he mows #samsellersfamily2016 #instablog

yep 12 inches gone! #instablog #samsellersfamily2016

via Instagram After many many years of having long hair I did this :) yep 12 inches gone! #instablog #samsellersfamily2016

Godly influences

via Instagram Often we pray for Godly influences in our children's lives. Let's face it- in today society that is so few and far in between. Let's direct our prayers that they stand for righteousness and rise above the crowd. It is hard to be the beam of light. Chances are they won't be cool or popular. Think about eternity whose approval in the end do you seek or even need to enter the gates of heaven? Don't just settle for this life, populArity or being cool. Set your eyes on heaven. #instablog

Biblical Womanhood

It is so hard in our society today to know what true Biblical Womanhood looks like. If you stand for anything at all. If you are strong, with a strong mind and strong opinion then you are not what some Christians would define a “submissive” “meek” or “gentle” woman should be. If you stay home and take care of your children, then you are not worthy or have no worth in todays society. Though raising your children is the hardest job in the world, there is no worth in it in this society. This sermon is one worth taking the time to watch. Angie

Feminine beautiful Classy Women

What is it suppose to look like to be a feminine,beautiful, classy women in today's society? Today women do not leave anything for a man's imagination. They do not understand how precious of a jewel they are and that men are to work to win their heart and earn seeing any assets they have to offer. Oh how I wish someone would have taught me that I was worth more than comments like, " hey baby what's your name" as they eyed me up and down! I was worth more any fleeting attention a male would want to give me that didn't value me as a person or even as a woman but viewed me as an object. Ladies, you are worth so much more, present yourself in that worthy manner. Realize who you are and make any male work for your attention and affection. Take heed from this older woman- It will save you heartache. via Instagram

Living life

The hardest thing about watching your children grow into adults, marry or move forward in life is the lack of daily involvement or connection you have. In this season in our lives we (my beloved and I ) are beginning to feel the hole that occurs in our hearts when one child is missing from our lives. We never encouraged our children to join the military for many reasons. I know some would wonder why since my beloved and I were priory military. It is based on that knowledge and experience is why we did not want them to join. Did we have bad experiences, no. In all actually I loved the military and why I never went back in I HAVE NO IDEA. I guess back then the extreme sense of responsibility towards my children overrode any desire or dreams I had for my life in sense of a career. We did not want our children in that system. We brought our children up in the ministry of reconciliation ( Christ ministry), to be Warriors for the Kingdom of Christ. To guide those around them to Chri...