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Showing posts from January, 2018


( see full post ) Conviction? What is that? Some would say it is this feeling,or notion of what is right or wrong or a standard you set for yourself of the things you will or won't do. The problem is that this standard that we set comes from our conscience. This standard can go against the Word of God. Are you unsure of what I mean? Example: The Lord hates sin. Would you not agree on that? Well the Bible is clear that sex before marriage is sin. But many people with in or even out of church feel NO conviction and some would even say it is ok to have sex before marriage or even "live" with the person they are intending to marry. But the definition of sexual immorality is sex between two people who are not married. (Among many other things)God's Word states: "Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality," (Galatians 5:19) This is where our conscience is broken and is not trust worthy. Dear Ones, If you are a bible believing B...


( see full post ) Today's message doesn't come from Scripture but from Dr. Tony Evans who shares with us a profound thought. Often I hear people say I don't ever hear from God, or I don't feel His presence in my life. The truth is for us to "feel" His presence and hear His voice we must first surrender our lives, and will to Him and seek to obey His Word in our lives. All too often people see God as intangible, unreachable, and inactive but the truth is. As Priscilla Shirer states, " Jesus loved you enough to die for you, do you think He doesn't love you enough to talk to you?" Dear Ones, to feel the presence of God in our lives, starts with us. Starts with surrender to God, then we must obey. Jesus' words state. "If you love Me, you will keep My commands." John 14:15 HCSB Obedience is an essential part of us hearing the voice of God and feeling his guidance and presence. And we can only know that we are living according to Hi...

Walking the path of Life

( see full post ) The path of life is often a challenge. Some walk it aimlessly never considering where they are going or even where they have been. One step to the right or to the left and you will find yourself in a ditch where you have to struggle, climb or even scrape your way back on to the main path. The path, the one that leads to everlasting peace, is not an easy path to walk but is one,with each other ( brothers and sisters) and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can find ourselves maneuvering this path in peace. There is no promise that the path will be easy but we can find comfort in knowing we are not walking it alone. Dear Ones this road that leads to everlasting life can only be found in Jesus Christ. Let us walk it together! Thank you for journeying with me. #dailyscriptureandthoughts 


( see full post ) Obedience- a word we all know to well. It is suppose to be a part of our walk with Jesus but is it? This verse should not be unfamiliar to you if it is - it is a great fact to know- go read the whole book of Genesis. Here Abraham has been given the son he was promised. Now God gives him a command. Go sacrifice your only son on the mountain Moriah. Could you imagine the torment going on within this man? But yet he rose the next morning and gathered all the things he would need to fulfill the command God had gave. Never expressing the torment, no yelling, no screaming, no throwing things, no mistreating of those around him. He just obeyed. But inside (if you are a parent you already know) dying, head whirling, and I know his thoughts were like "what in the world! " Obeying God was never meant to be easy. When the God incarnate came to this earth, just before he was to be taken and beaten, He asked God if there is anyway you could take this cup from me. It wasn...

Test me.Lord

( see full post ) Dear Ones we begin a new week. In this Psalm David is asking God to test Him, to examine his life and his heart and mind. In requesting this God can reveal to us the things in our lives that need to be changed. Areas of sin that we need to repent of or areas in which we refuse to obey Him in. Let this be your prayer this week. Ask Him to search you and in turn cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Thank you for journeying with me... #dailyscriptureandthoughts

Grieving The Holy Spirit

( see full post ) Don't grieve the Holy Spirit. In the verses before this verse Paul list things that people who are redeemed should and shouldn't do. They should speak truth in love, in other words be honest. Be angry, there is nothing wrong with being angry but don't allow it to cause you to sin. A thief must no longer steal and NO Foul language must come from your mouth. Yes scripture says this. It is sad because in society today using foul and vulgar language is commonplace. People use it in regular conversation with no regard to the offense it causes to the people around them and most importantly the offense it causes the Holy Spirit. We have been given a gift. "God within" us, who guides us to truth, opens our eyes to our sinful nature and reveals to us God's amazing Grace. Let us bring glory to His name in Words and Deeds. Help us all Lord especially me the greatest of sinners. Thank you for journeying with me. #dailyscriptureandthoughts

Serving in our full capacity

( see full post ) Dear Ones Today's message reminds us that we each have gifts given to us by The Holy Spirit to be used to edify the body. Without each person in the body to use those gifts it would be like a person missing a finger, hand, or a leg. Each person brings to the body a gift necessary for the furthering of the kingdom. Do you know what your gifts are? If not seek out what they are so you may serve in your full capacity!  Thank you for journeying with me. #dailyscriptureandthoughts 


( see full post ) When we examine the body of Christ. You find the exact opposite of this verse manifesting within it. You find discord, gossip, people offending and people being offended. Some would say, oh that is what being in intimate relationship is like. I would beg to differ. The closest people to me, those I love I would never want to offend them though I know I do or have them be offended with me. I love them so I seek to keep peace and unity with them even if they irritate me or make me angry. Sometimes I air my frustration and other times I dismiss it and forgive because of my love for them. Dear Ones this Grace and love we give to those around us is the same Grace and love we are to show each other as members of the body. Yet what you find in some bodies is slander, gossip, discord and a lack of unity. People who go around sowing this kind of disunity do not understand that this is the example you are bestowing to all who know. This is the testimony of Christ you are...