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Wake up!!! Do you not see what is happening???

Satan is on the prowl and he is devouring many around me. Those I love are slowly giving into his wicked scheme. Destroying all they held dear.

What is it you ask?

The destruction of the family. He is slowly destroying the marriage covenant and once he has that accomplished he works on each of the children. Which in turn destroys the very foundation of the church.

Satan picks slowly at the husband and wife team. The two that are suppose to be one. The team that is suppose to love each other, and take care of each other as they would their own bodies.

Ephesians 5

28So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.


Satan is feeding their heads with all these lies:

“Life would be easier if you left him.”

“ You can make all the decisions and things would be better.”

“ He doesn’t love you because he lies to you all the time”

“He is selfish”

“She just wants her own way”

“She could careless how hard you work or what you have done for her over the years”

“She is never happy no matter what I do”

Isn’t this where we are suppose to take all our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ?

2 Corinthians 10

5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


Many are listening to those lies thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Condoning their thoughts and actions with: “maybe God wants me to leave him/her.” God wants me to be happy.

Where does it say that in scripture that “God wants us to be happy”?

Happiness is a temporary emotion that comes and goes like waves in the ocean.Every marriage goes through seasons. Some seasons of life are like: Spring which brings new life, new beginnings, flowers in bloom. Summer, hot, sometimes dry, or sticky, but things can be bright and sunny. Fall, with colors of all arrays, a coolness in the air, and then we all hit the winter season, cold, frigided, and piled high with things that can divided us. But if you

Colossians 3:2Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth...

the snow will melt, and you will see the spring again.


Happiness is not associated in scripture without the works and direction of the Lord. He does not promise happiness, but joy exceeding. Joy that is only given to us as we follow Christ by the Holy Spirit. Joy is not given through Him giving to us what we want ,but us giving to Him, and following hard after Him.


My heart is so heavy and grievous as I look around and see Satan devouring those I love…




Take heed dear Saints he is on the prowl seeking to destroy each foundation that Christ has established starting in our homes…


Following Hard After Christ,




  1. This is so true my sister. The first institution God created was marriage between Adam and Eve. Satan knows this. He knows if he can destroy the family unit, it won't be hard to get the children. That's why so many marriages are ending in divorce and I heard that 50% of these are in the church!


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