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under attack

Lately spiritually I have felt like I have been under attack. Things around the house has not been peaceful. The homeschooling has been difficult for some. Sam 's job is an uncertainity right now. I am so confused on what to do. We need a new vehicle. My van sits 7 and we now have 8 of us not including when I have my neices, then it is 10. We also need to move from here. My desire is to be closer to our church. In all of this I feel overwhelmed and so unsure of the future. Please pray for me!


  1. One of the assigned readers is a book on spiritual warfare; The first chapter discusses how certain warfare was fought through "praises to our Lord." And many strongholds were broken. This is biblical because we know the word says to give him praise all the time. (paraphrasing it). In this; we honor God with our lips; and we are obiedient in times of trouble; but mostly, God is faithful and he knows the troubles of your heart. So, even though math/science/etc. may not be achieved with great results, "let the praises be accomplished." It's the best acheivement you can have. It is a spiritual investment for all of you. Don't let the devil tell you that your effeciency in the home is what proves how spiritual you are or effecient you are; remember Sometimes the Lord loves to show us how weak we are without him. And if we are looking to him during these times; while we are weak, we are strong.
    I love you; just hold on...remember
    I told you that it took me one year (at least) to adjust after the baby was born.
    I love you!


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