- If money were no object what would your dream home look like? A beutiful farm house- warm and welcoming.
- If money were no object where would you shop for clothes? Anywhere I would get a good price, and they fit right.
- If money were no object where would you like to go on vacation? Yes- to go see the 7 wonders of the world- It just amazes me how great our God is and how beautiful He has created this World.
- If you could go back in time with whom would you like to spend a day with? A pioneer woman!! It is amazes me how they did what they did, accomplished what they did for their families and did all by hand!!
- If you could be an animal for one day, what would you be and why? hmm now this one is hard for me- a Lioness- She is the hunter of the family- making sure her family eats!
- What's the bravest thing you've ever done? Bravest thing I have ever done- was something as a child- but I stopped something from happening.
- What's the best compliment you've ever received? You are the best mother I have ever met.
- What gift have you received that you will always treasure? My children!!
- If you could have only one favorite food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? ugh- do not have a favorite food- let's see- I love seafood but not sure I would want it for the rest of my life!
- What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla
- When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to travel the world- but as a profession I wanted to be an officer in the Military
- Besides God, who has influenced you the most? Mama McIlvaine- she is no relation to me. I have known her since I was 8 years old. Her daughter is one of my dearest friends. She is the most Godly woman I know.
- What part of your daily routine do you enjoy the most? The quiet mornings- with coffee!
- If you won 1 million dollars, what would you do with it? Tithe and then buy a farm home, or property to build a farm home, with enough land to be able to give a piece to each one of my children to do as they please.
- What's your most fervent prayer? That the Lord will keep my children in his protective embrace- and lead their hearts and lives!!
I enjoyed reading your answers! Thanks for playing along. I hope you are having a great weekend.