Assignment: This week I thought we could share what great ways we have found to help with all we have to do.
Through the years when my little ones were young. I spent alot of time training them to be helpful, thoughtful and know that a family functions as a unit. Though in those days I did everything on my own as time past and each one of them grew, they grew to be help, caring, considerate blessings in my life.
Besides the obvious getting face down in front of God, what have you found that works?
Consistency and prayer of course! I developed a routine of things that needed to be done daily, and weekly.
Have you done a great bible study that deals with this area?
Do you have a certain “thing” that really helps you like a planner or gadget?
Everything that needs to be remembered gets put on my calendar that is part of my email program. I have it set with alarms for reminders
Do you have a certain bible verse that just speaks to you and you have it posted so you see it all the time?
Proverbs 31:13
She seeketh wool , and flax , and worketh willingly with her hands
What do you do that if someone else found out about it, they could benefit from it?
I am not sure if do anything out of the ordinary or profound. I try to keep my children involved in the care of our home. I use a menu for meals so that I can shop more efficiently. I have just started to make my own laundry soap because it last longer and is more economical. We make our own bread instead of buy it because it is healthier for you and obviously less expensive. Those are just a few things I do.
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