Dear Saints, if you want to read a well written and convicting post on sarcasm head over to the Well Watered Women and read her post on Sarcasm, I think Not This post spoke straight to my heart. I did not grow up with sarcasm unless I had done something very wrong then my mother would use it as a form of discipline. Marrying into my beloved’s family I had many hopes and expectations. I loved my beloved with all that I could, and so in turn I loved his family. I desired a family because you see I really did not have one. Yes I had a mother and a father( long story for another day) but that is truly all they were. My beloved’s family seemed close and seemed to have exactly what I was looking for,but all of that faded away when sarcasm came into play. I was confused and hurt most of the time. I never knew whether they liked me or hated me. I never even knew what I had done wrong half the time. I walked around wondering just in what direction was our relationship ...