Dear Saints, if you want to read a well written and convicting post on sarcasm head over to the Well Watered Women and read her post on Sarcasm, I think Not
This post spoke straight to my heart. I did not grow up with sarcasm unless I had done something very wrong then my mother would use it as a form of discipline.
Marrying into my beloved’s family I had many hopes and expectations. I loved my beloved with all that I could, and so in turn I loved his family. I desired a family because you see I really did not have one. Yes I had a mother and a father( long story for another day) but that is truly all they were. My beloved’s family seemed close and seemed to have exactly what I was looking for,but all of that faded away when sarcasm came into play.
I was confused and hurt most of the time. I never knew whether they liked me or hated me. I never even knew what I had done wrong half the time. I walked around wondering just in what direction was our relationship going. Many times I looked to my husband, and he grew up with this so he was unsure of how to help me or guide me.
Sixteen years later, not much has changed in their way of communication .. I have changed tremendously. The Lord has done a wondrous work in my heart and I see the fallacy in their ways, and the hurt they bestow on others through their words. Some have changed, and continue to seek God with all of their hearts while others remain lost in the past, in the yester-year holding on to bitterness and anger and using sarcasm to make their points.
It is so painful to see or to experience!
Let us look towards the kingdom of heaven and HIS righteous, so that we can see only the Face of our Lord Jesus! Let us allow Him to heal and purify so that we may walk in HIS Glory forever!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I agree w/ you sarcasm can be very painful for the one receiving it, even if it is meant only as a joke. Thank you for this reminder.