At this time of the year everyone is filled with traditions. Things they do every year to prepare their hearts to celebrate the greatest, and truest meaning of this season- celebrating the Birth of our Savior.
We are no exception.. we started this tradition last year. Our hearts were to focus ourselves completely on what we are celebrating and why we are celebrating it so every evening, we light these candles…
gather around the table to read the scripture for the night, we sing the corresponding carol/hymn, then daddy reads a story. The story normally goes with which every figure we must pull and set up for our nativity scene. So far this is what we have out:
The Donkey was first- because he carried Mary to Bethlehem, then the cow- was probably in the stable, the sheep were probably brought by the Shepherds who came to see the Savior, and then the Shepherd. This scene is such a humbling scene, one that reminds us that our Lord did not arrive in a mansion, or place beyond our comprehension, but in the most humbling place of all!
If our Savior will come in such meek, and humbling surroundings, living a life in total humility- how come it seems so impossible for us to do the same?
Our Father- who is in heaven- OH DEAR Father lend us your ear – HOLY is your name- you sent your Son for us Father, and we are so unworthy to receive this great gift, but we ask that YOUR will be done within us. Help us Father and provide all our needs, because nothing comes to us without your hand, or guidance. Lord forgive us and keep us from temptation because we are unable to be who You want us to be or bring Glory to your name without Your Guidance, your hand or your strength within us. Help us to love each other, be kind, generous and encouraging to all we come in contact with. Lord Help us to forgive others, as you forgiven us. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the Glory forever and ever- In Jesus Amen.
Dear friends- as the days grows closer where the worlds stop- to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Rejoice- sing and Give thanks for we are so unworthy of the gift!
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