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Showing posts from January, 2010

Talk about make me cry....

You all this is an amazing video and I just had to share!

How do you do It?

My friend Tasha over at He’s everything to Me posed some questions that I thought I would answer on my blog, and also pass on to you… How do you do it: 1. How does your family decide what will be read and studied for family devotions? My beloved decides what we do for family devotions. 2. How do you decide what you yourself will read and study during your own individual quiet time? It depends, but I try to read what we are doing for devotions, then I will do a study or just read. Or I do a reading plan. 3. Do you require your children to have their own personal quiet time with the Lord? Yes the children are required to spend time in the Word on their own. Papa had them start in Mathew and work their way from there. 4. What does quiet time look like for you, what "tools" do you need? My bible and my knees… 5. What does family devotions look like for your family? Do family members take turns reading passages? Are you memorizing scriptures togeth...

Grocery Challenge

Vs Ok I have always wondered if one grocery store was really cheaper than the other so this week I decided to put them to the test. I took my gang with me, and we split up. I gave money to those who were going to one store, with the exact list I had, I went to the other store. Wonderful thing about cell phones are we stayed in contact the whole time. We started in produced, and without a doubt, HEB has great prices on things like apples, and pears, and oranges. But the fresh vegetables, they were significantly higher. In both stores the milk prices were the same price. But the eggs, were also significantly more expensive at HEB then Kroger. When I say significantly I am not just talking a few cents- I am talking dollars. Onto meats- every meat that I needed this week was more at HEB. I could keep going down the list, but truly I will spare you from the boredom…. So what was the conclusion from today’s grocery adventure/challenge- Kroger wins hands down with lesser prices, ...

Same Kind of Different as me…

Over at Bloom book club - we are reading through an incredible book.. I shared a few post back about this book.  Here are some questions they asked about the book.. These are my answers: How did Denver's story impact you? It amazed me that he showed so much strength through his pain and struggles. Did it shock you? No his life did not shock me. I am not naive to prejudice or injustices. Do you ever have the urge to do something, but for some reason you don't, like Ron did on page 23?  There have been many times I have had the urge to say or do something, but the mindset of stay out of it kicks in, or even self preservation? Which ever it is , it is not right to  do something when someone is in need, hurting or anything else.   How does that make you feel when you think about that? I know I was young and Naive in those situations, I pray I would react differently now.. More like Christ would have me to respond.   What stood out to you abo...

Show off your Edits

From Pixel Perfect   Before After Or this one… Could not decide which one I liked better…

I received an award..WOW

  Thank you to my wonderful Warrior Friend Karen at On Having Faith -  who deemed me worthy of this award. I almost missed it because I have vowed to my Lord and myself, that I would spend less time on the computer and more time being busy with my hands. Thus far I have been faithful to that vow or commitment, which is why I almost did not see that I was even given this award.   Here are the rules. I am to post 7 things about myself, and pass the award along to 7 beautiful bloggers…(now that one will be tough.)   About Me: 1.  I am a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords- Jesus Christ. 2. I desire to have another baby as badly as I breath each day… 3.  I have been married to my beloved for 17 years, April we will be  together for 18 years.. (amazing how time flies)(anniversary is not till Oct. Though) 4. Not sure if any of you knew this, but I home-school my children.(no my blog is not a homeschooling blog- it is a diary/ ...

Crocs giveaway

Who knew that crocs had such a variety of shoes… I know i did not. Over at The Bragging Mommy she is giving away a pair of Polar blitz crocs.. of course they are too cute to resist. So I thought I would blog about it and share the information…   Go check it out .   Angie

Busy Weekend..

This weekend was busy and quiet yesterday we took the Babe to get his first professional haircut. At first he was scared, but he did not cry and did great. He was so well behaved for his barber, Freddie View Full Album That night “duck”, which is what he tells everyone his name is, got very sick. He spent a few hours vomiting, but after a call for prayer,  just as fast as the vomiting started it ended. Thank you praying saints.   Here is a photo of the jean skirts I made for me and my daughter:     And .. My new bible/messenger bag. View Full Album   I made one of these for my husband for Christmas and he loves his.. and so I decided, after I made my daughters, of course, that I would make one for myself Last but Not least, my new cutting mat/ portable Ironing board, for sewing and quilting… my beloved made this one for me. Isn’t it great! Looks just like the ones you buy at Joanne’s but I got mine for Nothing.. View Full Album ...

Wow-Bible Challenge

I really thought that would take people a little bit to find.. but we truly have some bible scholars on our hands.. Thanks Nancy for being the first to comment.. My friend Tasha would like another so I thought I would post another question or two or maybe three… haha   Isaiah refers to Lucifer/ Satan the angel who fell from heaven as a former what????   AT the pool of Bethesda, what did God’s angel do at appointed times to bestow healing power?   In the parable of the sower and the harvest, which components represent angels of God? By the way if you have not figured it out, this section of bible challenge is on Angels…. This is so exciting, thank you for participating.. OPEN THAT Word!!   Love to you In Christ Jesus Angie

Five Question Friday…

      1. What is better, growing old with out money or dying young and wealthy? Growing old without money.. with money comes great responsibility.. I came into this world, and the only heritage I want to leave, is to instill the Love of Christ in my children- that to me is worth any money in the world. 2. Who takes out the garbage at your house? My boys/ youngmen do 3. Have you ever had the same dream many times? Yes and the one I keep having is NOT FUNNY or fun! I don’t like it and pray at night that I won’t have it that night.   4. Can you play a musical instrument? No I can’t I wish I could. 5. If you owned your own store, what would you sell? If I owned my own store.. I would sell used homeschooling books at a reasonable one income price.

New.. to my blog…

  A bible challenge.. each week I post a bible fact.. and you need to post the answer. This is not for any prize, except the planting of seeds by the Word of God. There is NO BETTER prize than that!!     Who is up for Bible Challenge??   First question: An Angel appeared to this old Testament person at Beerlahairoi or “ the well of Him that liveth and seeth me.” Who was it??     Look forward to seeing your answering…  Will post answer on Tuesday! Have fun and May the Word of the Lord become like living water to your soul!!   Angie

Ready for Church

Our little man ready for church Trying so hard to be like big brothers - Posted using BlogPress from Angie

Things here...

Life here has been pretty quiet. I wake, to work out, do chores, cook, and take care of the children. Each day blending into the other. (have you ever had a season like that?) We are still going to the little church down the street. The fellowship with others has died down a bit making it very quiet and at times very lonely. But I have enjoyed the family time in the evenings. We have been spending time in Acts(very slowly), trying to develop a list of characteristics that the Church should have. In hopes that God would speak to us through that. We are also as a family reading through the book called " Same Kind of Different as Me". OH what a book, we have laughed, and hearts have been broken over this unique story of lives that were changed, by serving for Christ. (I know general description but I really don't want to give you any hints towards the book- ITS THAT GOOD) Angie and Jenna at Bloom Book Club is doing a study that starts January 24th- I can't wait!! The bo...

Trying to stay warm

It gets very cold in our home, and it was very cold this night. All boys decided they wanted some of my blanket! So they all huddled in close and dad took a photo!   These moments are so precious to me!   Angie

A post by my beloved…

My beloved husband has so much wisdom to share with men out there. Here is a post from his blog: Hey Man! Where is your heart?   Jump over and read it. Leave him a comment of encouragement would you?     Thanks Angie

Wonderful Godly Music

  It is so hard today to find music that will be edifying to our Lord without sounding to contemporary or too hip hopish… This album is wonderful. You can downloaded it from Itunes!!! Thought I would share my find! Angie

Becoming 18

By Alex Sellers Note by Mom- this year we had another wonderful child turn 18. Like Paul- we posed the grand question- What does it mean you to turn 18?  This was Alex’s speech he read to everyone.   “ Becoming 18 really is no big deal when you think about it, but in another sense it is. The world sees turning 18, as a time to breakout, but loose from the bonds of parents and authority and become your own person. I see turning 18 as the beginning of a trial period of REAL submission.(to authority-added by mom) During this time bewteen the age of 18 and marriage the world is going to press in on me saying things like “ So what do you think you should be doing?”   or “ So what are your plans?” With questions such as these it would be my responsibility with God’s help, to say “ I don’t know because God hasn’t revealed anything to my parents   yet” In Exodus 20:12 the bible says “ Honor your father and mother….” until you are 18 then say I’...


Read: Hebrews 11 What a wonderful list of those who through their faith were saved or did great things for God's glory! Do we have that much faith today? Do we have the assurrance and understanding of the greatest of God, as Noah, Moses, and Isaac? These men knew someday the Messiah would come but never saw him or experienced the promises. They experienced blessing by their obedience. We have never seen Him but know the Messiah has come and still like those of old can experiencing blessing by obedience. But do we have the faith as those of old? Can the Lord say he is glad to be our Lord? All these are such pondering questions of self examination. Let us take the time to mediate on these things. In hopes that our Lord will reveal truth to us!! Amen? May grace and peace of our Lord be with you! - Posted using BlogPress from Angie