Over at Bloom book club- we are reading through an incredible book.. I shared a few post back about this book.
Here are some questions they asked about the book.. These are my answers:
How did Denver's story impact you? It amazed me that he showed so much strength through his pain and struggles.
Did it shock you? No his life did not shock me. I am not naive to prejudice or injustices.
Do you ever have the urge to do something, but for some reason you don't, like Ron did on page 23? There have been many times I have had the urge to say or do something, but the mindset of stay out of it kicks in, or even self preservation? Which ever it is , it is not right to do something when someone is in need, hurting or anything else.
How does that make you feel when you think about that?
I know I was young and Naive in those situations, I pray I would react differently now.. More like Christ would have me to respond.
What stood out to you about Deborah?
Her loving and tender heart. She loved the Lord, and in turn loved people the way God intended us to love.
How has someone forgiving you made an impact on your life? My beloved has forgiven me in a way NO ONE else ever has in my life(other than Christ). HE has been the living, breathing example of Christ’s love to me. I know I don’t deserve his forgiveness, but yet he gave it anyway, just as Christ has. It has made me love him more, and realize how right I was by toughing the hard times out!
In what ways are we choosing to lead a radical, crazy love life like Deborah lived? I am not sure what you mean by this, but I am going to give it a shot.. I am not a “radical and Crazy” kind of person, but I do step out loving others, ministering, bringing people into our home, to bless them as God calls me to.
Can’'t wait for the next section…
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