Thank you to my wonderful Warrior Friend Karen at On Having Faith- who deemed me worthy of this award. I almost missed it because I have vowed to my Lord and myself, that I would spend less time on the computer and more time being busy with my hands. Thus far I have been faithful to that vow or commitment, which is why I almost did not see that I was even given this award.
Here are the rules. I am to post 7 things about myself, and pass the award along to 7 beautiful bloggers…(now that one will be tough.)
About Me:
1. I am a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords- Jesus Christ.
2. I desire to have another baby as badly as I breath each day…
3. I have been married to my beloved for 17 years, April we will be together for 18 years.. (amazing how time flies)(anniversary is not till Oct. Though)
4. Not sure if any of you knew this, but I home-school my children.(no my blog is not a homeschooling blog- it is a diary/ journal of our lives)
5. In real life, I am a straight shooter, black and white, my husband calls me his Prophetess- which in turn leaves me with very few friends. (people do not really like Honesty, or truthful answers- even if they come from the Word of God)
“ I am not the writer. I am just the messenger” Pastor Doug Batchelor
6. I thrive most when I am with my beloved. Not only is he my leader, my head of my home, but he is truly my best friend. His smile, his voice, just having him near me brings a light to me. He strives to keep me heading in the right direction with my walk with Christ.
7. I love the beach.. digging my feet in the sand, listening to the waves crash, watching the world around this enormous mass of water, always reminds me of HOW big our God truly is. (by the way I do not like getting into the water-ugh no way it is not clear, I can’t see my feet I am not getting in) haha
(That was the hardest 7 things I ever had to come up with. It is so easy to talk about someone else but share about yourself.. UGH now that is hard)
Now for my 7 Beautiful Bloggers-
1. Monica at Pixel Perfect- this chica has it all, beautiful baby, wonderful husband, thriving photography business- but most of all she has a heart of gold. Truly one of the sweetest bloggy friends! Go Check her website out!.
2. Traci over at Beneath my Heart- This woman is truly amazing. She is crafty and turns anything she touches into a work of art. She is a model of a Proverbs woman- where everything she does is to the benefit and blessing of her family.
3. Jessica at Jezemama- Her words are like food for my soul, her heart for the Lord, and His ways and purpose- are a strength for those who seek Him.
4. Tony at Well Watered Woman- Tony is a true servant of our Lord. Seeking His face, sharing His Words with all who will listen. Her wisdom surpasses all understanding.
5. Angie at Bring the Rain- Angie’s journey in life has not been easy, but her responses, and Heart for the Lord is strengthening. I enjoy reading her heart- in the hard times, and when God sees her through. She is truly an inspiration. I am currently saving to buy her book…
( not easy for a one income Carpenter family)
6. Mandy at Mandymom- This lady is truly a super mom in my eyes. Her wisdom surpasses her age. Her desire to live, and love the Lord with all that she is, shows through in her posts.
7. Sandra at Love Abounds At Home- Sandra’s whole being permeates The Lord and His true purpose for her. She is a wonderful example of a women who does not tear down her house, but builds it with her words, and her hands. Her husband adores her, and yes she shares.. She truly is one I seek wisdom from(though she did not know it till now)
There are so many others that are truly a strength in time of need. Thank you to all those women- who inspire me, strengthen me, and show me the Love of Christ the miles, distance, and internet!
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