You know it is so easy to get sucked into the blogging world. You look at some of these VERY large blogs, and you think boy I would like to be that big.
Geez I sure would like to have as many followers/ readers as she has.
I think back, or even look back at the beginning, why did I start blogging? My motivation was not for others, but for me. My motivation was for a place to share a piece of myself, my heart, my prayers, my life… It was never to get a lot of followers or to be considered some profound blogger. NO- it was to leave a legacy of myself to my children. My words for them to read on every situation, or occasion in my life/ our lives. In hopes that every word, they see Christ emulating forth.
It is so easy in the “world of blogging” to lose our focus on what it is we are doing, and why we are doing it… but for me it is not to bring people flocking to my blog. For me it is to be me.. for me to share what I love, My Lord Jesus, my beloved and my absolutely wonderful children. What more could I really want??
For those of you are faithful- thank you for your words of encouragement, for your prayers and for those of you who are new.. well I do hope you find my heart here.
Ok- that was on my heart…
My sister is coming this week.. the children are so excited. I am excited of course to see my sister. I sure do miss her and those girls of hers. They arrive by the end of this week and already she is planning a fun filled week for the kids. For Honor’s birthday the are going black light miniature golfing.. will share photos, and Monday we are going to the zoo.. I love the zoo.
In the meantime, the reason you have not heard from is because I have been diligently working on Honor’s birthday present. Her quilt. It is a lot of work, but I have the face done, now on to the border, and sandwiching it together.( I will post the finished results)
Hope to hear from all of you out there!
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