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Showing posts from January, 2011

Glorifying Christ in all you do

Since I have arrived in Pa.. I have been working. It is the first time in years that I have worked. Not because I had to, to help pay a bill, or catch us up, but to bless another and meet the need of another. I have been out of the work place for a while. Not having to deal with people on this level. I can say it is not easy to show the love of Christ to those who really just have NO CLUE. Since arriving here these pressing thoughts have been in my mind- Where is the work ethic? Where is loyalty to your job or your co-workers? What happened to treating to others as you would want to be treated? Where is the principle if you are asked to go one mile go the extra mile? I was raised by Catholic Christians during the school year and a Pentecostal Christian in the summer. Yes each doctrine seems to be miles apart from each other never even touching. Through both of these exposures I knew there is a God, a creator of the Universe, One who directs our paths, and whom we will answer to one day...


Its always fun to be recognized by another blogger. They let you know how much they love your blog, your thoughts, or even just the design of your blog... Thanks Wendy at FAiths Firm foundation Rules for accepting this award are: 1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this. 2. Share 7 things about yourself. 3. Pay it forward to 15 (or however many you want) recently discovered great bloggers. 4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their Blog Award! 7 things about myself:  1. I am married to a wonderful,Godly man-Samuel 2. I am a mother of six wonderful Warriors for Christ. 3. I love photography- no kidding really.. just lately have not had time to pick my camera up. 4. Pennsylvania is the state I grew up in and is where my heart lies. I love this state. 5. My sister Melissa is my best friend. My heart hurts for her presents in my life. She is fun, funny and just someone everyone loves. 6. I am a servant of Jesus Christ. 7. I am getting ready to go back to college....

hello again

[caption id="attachment_790" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Christmas Day"] [/caption] Time passes so fast. Each day seems to blend into the other. The house is all unpacked- kind of. We still have odds and ends here and there to unpack but for the most part essentials, and rooms are unpacked. Christmas came and went-which by the way was pleasant to be in our own home to celebrate the birth of Christ Dad and his crew Mom and all her babes 2011 is here for us all. I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord is doing in 2011.  There are lots of things happening here: My eldest has started his first full time job. This is a job that we have prayed for. One that took over a year for the Lord to grant. It has been his first few days so it is hard to tell how it will work out but I am grateful to the Lord for answered prayer. Joey and Maria are starting cyber-schooling. We are heading in a different direction with homeschooling. It is not a ...