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Showing posts from June, 2012

7 days of Hope for a Weary Mom- Day 7

      Yes I did it.. 7 days... I made it took me a little longer but I did all 7 posts and you know what each day spoke to me and today is no different. The title to this chapter was titled " When life hurts too much" The author starts off by talking about a loss of a child from the womb. She does not go into detail of the situation, but she speaks about this moment when she was sitting in church surrounded by children, newborns, and expected mothers and she closed her eyes to shut out all the new life and joy that seemed to surround her and she realized she had her hand on her stomach. In that moment she whispered " I miss you" to that child she had lost. 1.It’s easy to say we believe God is good and that He always wants our best, but when the difficult times come the truth of what we really believe often says something totally different. Have you ever experienced a time when you questioned everything you knew to be true about God? My heart knows that ki...

7 days of Hope for a Weary Mom- Day 6

Ok I know if you look at the dates you will see I am few days behind... Well more than a few but I decided no matter what I was going to see this thru.   This chapter " Sometimes it takes an Alter" reminds me of my own testimony.. I won't get into all the details.(I will save that for another day another post) Anyway, I was a young mom, all my children were young and I was so unsure and depression,sadness, even anger controlled my life. Till one day I came to the alter...there in my flowing wailing tears I found true release and felt the presence of our Lord. So yes sometimes in the deepest most desperate,weariest must come to the alter to find true relief. Have you ever just wanted to walk away? No in most weariest( I know not a word) moments I have clung to the Cross. Stacey and Brooke both have family members who walked away when the weariness became too much. What has kept you from leaving in the past? Knowing that I can not do things in my own strength a...

7 days of Hope for a Weary Mom- day 5

Ok take two... Ugh.. All the words seem to just flow and now I need to start all over because I lost it so Lord help those words to come to me again....   "WHEN YOU JUST WANT TO GIVE UP" was the title to this chapter and boy did the words just seem like I was speaking them... She starts out by saying..." a mother's heart labors over her children. Pulling, tugging, coaxing,dragging,pushing,begging...all in the name of love" That is exactly how I have been feeling, how I have felt for at least the last ten years. " those of us who really look see our children not just as they are but as they can be, might be one day." Yes those words ring so true...that's it... If only. If only they understood or just knew...that " Mothering demands body,soul,mind, and heart" Mothering is not for the weak hearted, it takes strength and courage. Why courage? Courage because you go in knowing that you will never be so hurt or wounded by anyone or anythin...

7 days of Hope for a Weary Mom-Day 4

Well I have not been as diligent as I would have liked on this 7 days of Hope... But I am going to keep chugging along...This chapter I really could not relate with because there are a few times I have ever been without my children. I have never ever been to a spa.   What things do you love to do to relieve stress? I like to read and I love to sew and crochet so those things are my stress relievers   How often do you retreat into the comfort of God’s Word? Not often enough... But I am learning:)     When you are feeling bone-weary like Stacey describes in this section, how does it affect your homeschool? If I am bone weary yes i take a break. How productive am I if I keep going inspite of my weariness...NOT VERY!   But you know there are times when I wonder if getting away for a short period with no phone, Internet or connection to the outside world would be just what I need to restore my weary soul but then those responsibilities and guilt sets in of even thi...

7 days of Hope for a Weary mom- Day 3

  1. Where do you usually turn for relief? Can you relate to the story Brooke shared in this chapter of feeling completely overwhelmed? When I was a younger mother I turned to my friends for relief when I was overwhelmed.... I am not a young mother with 5 young ones 5 and under. Now those 5 are 21,20,18,16, and 15. I search for relief in scripture and sometimes I find that peace in Him right away and other times, I have to search harder. 2. Have you gotten to the place of total breakdown? What did it look like for you? Yes I have and it was not a pretty sight. It involved lots of yelling and crying... Now when that feeling of being overwhelmed comes over me my heart starts to hurt because I know I have failed again. Now I have two more little ones... One is 5 and the other is 8 months and I am trying to figure out how I can make things right for them so I don't make the same mistakes.   Desperately seeking Christ   Angie

7 days of Hope for a Weary Mom- Day 2

    Yes already I am behind... What else is new..... Do you have areas of your life where you constantly struggle? Where do you want me to start...really.. Let me see laundry is always a pile, my room could use some attention and so could my sunroom. There are days when I am on the ball but lately those days have been few and far in between. ..Maybe your dishes are piled sky high, or your laundry looks like a small mountain. When you look at those visible signs of struggle, what are the first words that pop into your head? Ugh there is just not enough time in the day! If God were telling you how to feel about yourself based on those areas of struggle, would His voice be the same as the one you hear in your mind? No most likely not! How often do you catch yourself comparing your home, job, income, or parenting to someone else? Very few times have I compared my home... We are a different family. A family who try to live for the Lord and our home functions differently . So day t...

7 days of Hope for a Weary Mom

Day 1(take 2) I have written this blog twice so by the Lords grace... I won't lose it again... Mob society and Hope for a weary mom are hosting 7 days of Hope for a weary mom. What does weary look like in your home? Describe the physical as well as emotional toll weariness takes on you. Weary for me has been such a heaviness in my soul and aching in my heart, a wondering why?My heart aches because what I see in my children, the decisions they make or not make scare me, I am worried and unsure of why I have done what I have done for the last 10 years.( homeschooling, devotions with themU each day, prayer as a family on our knees...) I wonder what is all for? Why care? Why make all the sacrifices when they get old enough all they do is sin, justifying their sin by your mistakes? Why even try to live in righteousness for our Lord? Ten years ago the Lord brought revelation in our lives, a renewing of our minds through the Word and realization that living for Him meant alot more than ...