Yes I did it.. 7 days... I made it took me a little longer but I did all 7 posts and you know what each day spoke to me and today is no different. The title to this chapter was titled " When life hurts too much" The author starts off by talking about a loss of a child from the womb. She does not go into detail of the situation, but she speaks about this moment when she was sitting in church surrounded by children, newborns, and expected mothers and she closed her eyes to shut out all the new life and joy that seemed to surround her and she realized she had her hand on her stomach. In that moment she whispered " I miss you" to that child she had lost. 1.It’s easy to say we believe God is good and that He always wants our best, but when the difficult times come the truth of what we really believe often says something totally different. Have you ever experienced a time when you questioned everything you knew to be true about God? My heart knows that ki...