Dear Ones-
As you know home-schooling is a very important part of my life. Actually home-schooling is our way of life. We decided a long time ago (over 10 years ago) for us to press in to Christ and" raise our children in the way they should go" that we were going to have to eliminate and minimize the worldly influence and infuse them with the Word of GOD. Our goal is/was to bring forth strong men and women for Christ who , One knew the Word of God, two who lived out the Word of God and three understood that the influence of the World would destroy them and their souls. CHAP(Christian Home school Association of PA) is an organization that has resources to aide, encourage and also help Christian Home-schoolers remain in home-schooling. The journey gets difficult sometimes and that is when CHAP's loving hand comes in handy. It is a blessing to know that we are not alone brothers and sisters. There are many fellow home-schoolers out there, walking the walk and living it out in their lives with the same convictions and determination to bring forth Men and Women of a Godly More standard, and principle who manifest HIS Word in their lives.
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Brothers and Sisters we walk through this journey of life trying to make a difference, trying to bring Glory to our Lord. Remember the enemy would have you believe a few things:
1. you can't do it
2. You are alone
3. this doesn't matter-
all these are lies!
You can do it- you can home-school, you can bring forth Godly seeds for HIS Kingdom and raise them to Glorify Christ.
You are not ALONE - not only do you have the God of the universe with you always but you also have a body of Christ that loves you.
This does matter- as small as you may think this is-- this is big to the Lord- your willingness to submit and follow hard after Him by schooling your children and embedding that Word in their lives and heart the angels are singing Glory Glory Glory!! For His Kingdom is being glorified saints!!
Stand Fast, Stand Strong!
Your Servant
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