Dear Ones-
As I continue in my position as Women's Ministry Leader- One thing that has emulated, echoed and is continually before me is that fact that a good leader is a servant. People think leadership is a prestigious, grand, and truly a place ABOVE everyone. Leadership is a place below if one really truly understands the position, and understands what it is God has called them to do.
God calls leaders to be on their faces, down in the dirty trenches, digging deeper, examining harder and facing things about themselves and their families that most don't even care about.
God calls leaders to be willing to wash the feet of every person they minister to and serve.
God calls leaders to sacrifice self and self preferences for Jesus and those they serve.
God calls leaders to take the weight of those they minister to, take up everyone's cross, and carry it.
God calls leaders to be in self control.
God calls leaders to be hospitable- opening your home to the lost and the body of Christ is part of the calling of a leader. How will they know you if you do not let them in your life or your home?
God calls leaders to be servants...
Are the leaders in your life these things? Are your leaders missing something? If so maybe they truly do not understand the great calling the Lord has placed on them?!
Lord as we continue to walk in your will as leaders, help us to also be the servants you would have us be. Bless our ministries Lord, guide us with the presence of your Holy Spirit. Bless us and keep us from the attack of the enemy.
I praise you for calling me Lord- as unworthy and incapable as I feel at times. I know you have us here in this place serving at this time- to bring you GLORY and Honor....
In Jesus Name- AMEN
Your Servant
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