Each day is different, so it always amazes me when people say they don't like change. I often think, then you don't like life, because each day is different. I am grateful for each day, for the birds that are now singing, because the snow is quickly melting outside, for the signs of spring and warmer days. I am grateful for a faithful husband who rises for work each morning. I am thankful for healthy children! Lately I have been wondering what does humility look like for someone whom you might have offended? Should that humility be sober? Should any "pride" emulate from us in anyway when we know we have cased so much pain in someone else's life? How long should that humility last? Too often people think "I am sorry" is good enough. I am sorry is a mean to show sorrow for the offense, right? What happens when I am sorry doesn't seem good enough? Pain isn't a switch that you can turn on and off. Depending on the offense that pain remains for so...