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Showing posts from August, 2016


In this world of trouble, hurt, sin and trials, the only consistent thing we have is the commands of God. They never change and are there to guide us, strengthen us, show us the way, when darkness seems to surround our hearts and mind. Rest in this dear one- that though the world seems to be changing for the worst nothing is new to our Lord. He knows the answer, He has the answer to bring peace to troubled souls and that is completely surrendered to Him and allow His Word deeply into our souls. Challenge: if you are troubled or in a place of darkness I challenge to seek someone to pray with you, to talk to and maybe even read the Word with you. Don't allow the darkness to surround you and make you believe that there is NO HOPE. That is a lie! Thank you for walking with me Angie


Prayer is a way for us to interact and share our hearts with the Lord. It is not a way to stop things from happening or even a way for us to make things happen. We don't have that kind of power nor do we control the decisions of God. In prayer we release what is in our hearts to the Lord, we tend to find peace in the midst of a situation and when we are seeking answers the answers may come to us that may or may not be what we want to hear. Prayer is is evidently very essential in our walk, because many times Jesus sought solitude to pray. He even gave us a model to use if we have no other words to offer. It has been proven that along with fasting prayer is one of the most neglected spiritual disciplines in a Believers life, though it was modeled by Jesus regularly. Challenge: Today I ask that you join me in prayer. If you have no words to say, pray the words of Jesus. Thank you you for seeking God with me, Angie

The Lord is faithful

In this message from 2 Thessalonians Paul is addressing his brothers and sisters in Christ. Here he asks them to pray not for him, but for the spreading of the Gospel message. At this point Paul and his companions had seen a lot and experienced a lot. Persecution was alive and thriving, evil men surrounded the proclaiming of the Gospel. The enemy has no desire to see anyone come to the saving knowledge of Christ. He desires to see man perish, but yet through the adversity, Christ covers all, and brings all to Him who heed his calling. Did you know that you are called to proclaim the name of Christ to all? Did you know that you are also to share the gospel message to the lost world around you? Challenge: As you go about your work, your day, I challenge you to seek an opportunity to share about the hope that lies within you. Don't share your story because that does nothing to save a soul, but share His story, His love and His sacrifice, because our story is nothing compared to His. L...

Pleasant Words

Pleasant words are not always so easy for us to manifest in every day life, as we live life, and have real relationships. Think of it this way, as we respond to those with a sweet spirit and kindness on our tongue, they are more responsive in a positive attitude and willingness then if we respond in frustration or impatiently. I must confess that I do not always have pleasant words for the ones I love so dearly. This should not be. When we live out God’s Word in our life, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our hearts and our tongues, these things like pleasant words can be done. Remember it is not in our own power but ONLY through the power given to us by the present of the Holy Spirit. To receive that power, to have that ability, we must have an active, vibrant relationship with Christ. A vibrant relationship comes through reading the Word each day, speaking to Jesus through prayer, and completely surrendering to the Holy Spirit in our lives. Challenge : When you find yourself frustrat...


Anger tends to be the natural response of the day. Drivers get angry constantly yelling and screaming at the person in front of them as if the person can hear you. Cashiers get angry when someone comes to their line because they would much rather just stand there doing nothing then be inconvenienced by a customer. Nurses get angry at their patients, because though they began their career loving their job they are tired of caring for sick people. Anger surrounds our culture, people unhappy with their jobs, life, or situations. The Word of God says that we are not to let anger be a natural response to situations. In this world where we are surrounded by anger and angry people it is so hard to not mimic that same heart attitude. Our hearts are supposed to display the gifts of the Spirit, seeking to give glory to God in all circumstances. Challenge: Let these wise words penetrate your heart and seek today how you can turn off a response of anger and bring glory to God in a situation. Let...

He takes pleasure in You

The Lord loves His people. Which is why He sent His Only Son to bring us the salvation we needed to be able to have a relationship with Him. You see He did not create us to be created. He created us for His Glory and Honor. We are His! Each of us were created for a purpose, with a gift within us to bring glory to our having Father. Most spend a lifetime running from Him, pretending He does not exist or seeking to glorify self over God in Heaven. In the end what they are seeking is a peace, love or acceptance that only comes when you submit yourself to the calling of the Lord Jesus. Surrender to the Call! Remember, those of you who call yourself followers of Christ, that you are His people and he takes pleasure in you! He desires to have a real relationship and desires for you to surrender to His way, His Word, and His love. Don't let the enemy steal your purpose, your peace, and know your are a Child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lord's. Challenge: Look in the mirror what d...


What is gossip? According to the dictionary it is idle talk or rumor, especially about someone else's personal or private affairs. Gossip is an issue within some churches that it is viral, like a disease. It spreads from the top all the way to the bottom, damaging, leaving impressions, destroying reputations, all in just a few words. Oh trust me the heart isn't intently doing these things, the gossip is masked in "concern" or even "sharing". Expressing concerns about others affairs, or even sharing in a pretense of "prayer" can be viewed as gossip. Gossip, words, destroy friendships, destroy how people view that person you are speaking of and even taint any work of God. Rule of thumb I try to live by, if it is not about me, then it is not my place to say a word. If you are concerned just pray for that person, trust me that would work better than you destroying them with your words. May these words glorify the Father in Heaven, for the glory of C...

Pride is the enemy

Pride is an enemy to us. It interferes with relationships, it justifies, and relents to no one but itself. Pride turns people's hearts against one another. Pride divides brings dishonor and as this scripture says disgrace to God, then you. People view humility as weakness. It takes a strong person to remain humble in a situation where someone is manifesting pride, disrespect and dishonor. Where there is humility you see the wisdom. It's wisdom to be humble. It is wisdom to not display pride which in turn could make any situation worse. Humility does not demand, but shows love. Humility guides the heart back to the Lord and not to self bringing glory to Our God. Our Lord Jesus humbled himself, spread out his arm and allowed man to nail him to a cross as an example of humility to us! There is no one in this world who has done that for another soul, but Jesus died to save souls. As you go through your day today: look for situations where you can manifest humility over your pride....


Today people have no desire to listen to advice that goes against anything they desire to do, or that challenges them. There is a saying that "there is nothing new under the sun" meaning that people are no different today as they were 10, 20, 30 or even 100 years ago. The nature of mans heart is evil without a level of morality that naturally comes from God. (“The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable — who can understand it?” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:9‬ ‭HCSB‬‬) Without Christ that morality becomes skewed and man/ we start doing what we think and feel is right. The Word is our guide to keep that corruptible heart in check. It reminds us of us, and our need for a savior. It strengths us, encourages us, rebukes us and loves us. The only way to wisdom, is through the knowledge of the Lord. May you seek His face today and decided to lay down your own desires, your own ways for His. May He bless you and keep you. Angie

Casting your cares

Often times it is hard for people to admit their struggles. Pride keeps them from reaching out even to God when the trials of life set in. Whether it be because of pride,embarrassment or even shame. We find ourselves in a place alone wondering how to find the light. We are alone because that is where we are weak, we are alone because admitting to our struggle, or trial would mean letting down a guard to let someone in. Including God! What we are afraid of is that it won't matter. He won't care. God cares about your hurt, trial or pain, but first we must recognize the source or cause of the pain. Is it something we did? Consequences of our choices is the hardest trial to deal with. Or even trials from someone else's choices. Either way those trials are before us to bring us to a state of humility, to bring us closer to the Lord and to the body of Christ if necessary. Don't run from reality, not face the truth and not come before the throne asking God to move. Running d...

Happy is the man

As followers of "The Way" ,( did you know that is what Christians were called in the bible? Act 19:23), we find peace from the Word of God. Do you run into people or do you have people in your life that are critical of everyone? Every word that proceeds from their month are words of wickedness, they give poor advice ,( though it may sound good it is worldly, ungodly and promotes self or money), they mock others either discretely or straight out,or they look down on others to make themselves feel better. Remember dear one, that we are to delight in the instructions of the Lord. As we seek His Word, He will bring peace to our souls, as we seek His Word He will give direction to our path and in the end we will glorify Him in our words and in our actions. Don't seek advice from someone whose heart is not sold out for the Lord.( going to church on Sunday is not someone who is sold out for Christ) Their advice is not worth any value. In the end you will not have peace because...

He existed before anything else

In spite of what you may have learned in public school, our world did not just appear in some explosive episode. It is even amazing to me that scientist even believe that something came from chaos. ( explosion) Anyway- our world did not just appear but was created by the God of all. It is hard to image that He has always been. Do you ever wonder what holds the oceans back from covering the lands? Why the moon doesn't fall from the sky into the earth? How the birds can fly? All these things are still in the hands of God. He continues to cause the sun to rise and causes the sun to sit in the sky and then causes it to set. He keeps the world from utter chaos. The order of nature and the beauty it all still sits in the palm of His hands. Our life is just a small speck in all of that! If He is able to handle the order of the world you can trust Him with the order direction and guidance of your own life! May these words be a reminder that our God is truly an awesome God and He cares abo...

Whatever you do....

Whatever you do.... Sometimes statements in the Bible can be excused away with circumstances and situations that we feel are valid. This scripture says whatever you do, do it enthusiastically. What? Really? What if I hate my job? Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically! What if my life isn't what I thought it should be? Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically! Whatever your mind can come up with; the answer is the same: whatever you do, do it enthusiastically! What you don't realize is by living this verse in your life, the reward that comes with it is the peace that surpasses all understanding. Your outlook on your situation, your purpose for rising up and living should be centered around your belief in Jesus. You must focus on what really matters. Glorifying the Lord in heaven in all you say and do. If it becomes about pleasing a spouse, loved one, someone significant, or even your bosses, trust me it will be to no avail. It will never be good enough. Seek to please God first...

God's love

Often times we hear God is love. God loves you. Or even God loves everyone. Looking at this scripture there are parameters that need to be met to be loved by God. I know,I know: nothing we do is good enough . I am not talking works. I am talking true heart. See there are those out there that think they are loved by God but live lives that are so sinful and contrary to this God they think that loves them. God desires to love you but your life must emulate that love. How do we as mere humans emulate God's love- by keeping his precepts. Also known as His Word and commandments. You see contrary to what the world teaches God has an expectation that if you are to be called one of His children then you should act like one of His children. Most people think that since God sent His Son for our sins and we are forgiven which then we can live as we choose. It is clear in the Bible that is not the case. There is so much more you must know. Dear sweet ones don't be deceived by the world a...

Put away to put on

Forgiving one another whether it be in the church or personal relationships,this is not easy. Why? Because you would have to put aside your thoughts/ feelings or even offenses on a matter, die to yourself and not be vindicated or even justified! What justice NOT served! Yep justice not served. Loving as Christ did means being willing to take the spear to the side or even to the heart and love regardless. No not easy but this verse is not a suggestion. This is what has to happen if you call yourself a Christian, or a follower of Jesus Christ. So saints of God who believe that certain steps must occur for me to forgive or love. You are wrong - nothing has to happen for you to stand in forgiveness if you are truly a loverof Jesus,stand in His strength and love as He did - with arms wide open! Put away bitterness and put on the heart of Christ! Just as I am, Angie

Planning date night - to do or not to do...

Lately I have been reading this book on wives... and God's purpose for us. I don't really want to share the title because I don't want to seem like I am bashing her or her book. I am not through it all yet. I am on chapter 4. I have gleened some things from it. Like there is a statement she makes where she says marriages do not fail,people fail the marriage. Marriage was established by God so it can not fail for He is perfect! If you think about what she is saying It so true - people fail the covenant not God who established the covenant. As she tries to give sound advice to wives and of course some of it is good stuff she starts to become a bit brutal in her advice. She makes such dogmatic statements that make me think wow lady isn't that a bit harsh to say. Example she was sharing about her husband liking to plan their once a week date nights. And that any woman who plans the date night is stupid for not allowing him to do it. Let me quote her words exactly: " I...

Acts 2:1-13 - Video teaching

I intended to have this video posted by Wednesday- needless to say I taped it Wednesday- and my days sped by and now it is Saturday I am just getting it on my blog. I hope you enjoy this teaching on the coming of the Helper. Solo para la gloria de Dios Angie

We see His Glory

Man is created in the image of God. As we strive to live by His Word and allow the Word to conform our hearts, and lives we manifest God's glory from within but only when we are completely surrendered unto His will, His Word and His way. Do others see Christ within you? If not then there is something wrong! Surrender to Jesus and He will bring you peace!